Role Initiative

4 Historical Battles To Inspire Your D&D

History is no stranger to epic battles that have changed the world for better or for worse. From ancient times ...
Role Initiative

Six Pop Culture Sword Masters to Inspire Your Characters

Historically speaking, there have been dozens of legendary sword masters from all over the world. Some examples include: Tsukahara Bokuden ...
Role Initiative

The D&D Movie – Here We Go Again!

I’ve been asked on several occasions what my thoughts are on the D&D movies. My answer goes something like this: ...
Role Initiative

Role Initiative Podcast, Episode 12: 4 Effective Uses of Weather ...

This episode I look at weather and how to use it effectively and in many different situations.
Role Initiative

If You Were the DM, What Would You Do?

In case you missed it, here is my DM survey that I’m running all summer long. Results to be posted ...
Role Initiative

If You Were The DM, What Would You Do?

I’m always interested to hear and learn about the processes that other DMs use to prepare, play, and manage their ...
Role Initiative

The Role Initiative Podcast – Episode 11

This episode I look at 6 ensemble movies that can inspire your roleplaying group.
Role Initiative

5 Shakespeare Plays Perfect for D&D

For some, Shakespeare means amazing stories, fantastic characters, and romantic prose. For others, it is akin to nails on a ...
Role Initiative

It’s A Kind of Magic

So you’ve decided to be a spell caster! It’s a good career move with lots of exciting options and mystical ...
Role Initiative

5 Uses for Intelligent Weapons

One of the most infamous entries in the D&D magical item catalog is the intelligent weapon. Most frequently a sword ...