
GM Resources

D&D 5eGM Resources

How to Create a Compelling Villain

Creating great villains for your campaigns has as much to do with their deeds as it does their motivations. Memorable villains should present not just mechanical challenges to the party, but roleplaying challenges. A great villain forces player characters to ...
ClassesGM ResourcesPlanar Mysteries

Way of the Fan

The way of the fan isn’t an official monk school per se. Rather, it’s typically a method that someone learns because they have no other weapons appropriate to carry with them. Most who learn this way are maids, ladies in ...
ColumnsGM Resources

Building a Pantheon: Divine Intervention

We have explored how to develop a pantheon for a specific culture, how to expand that pantheon to other cultures, and the differences between personal and impersonal gods so far. Today we are going to take a closer look at ...
ColumnsGM Resources

Building a Pantheon: Personal vs Impersonal Gods

Last week we explored how to adapt the initial pantheon we created into pantheons for other races and cultures. Today we are going to examine how to use Impersonal Gods in your campaign, what the Hella they are, and how ...
ClassesPlanar Mysteries

Oath of the Prepared

The “Oath of the Prepared” is a paladin class for characters who always want to have the right tools for the job. Those that take this Oath are always striving to be a step ahead of current circumstances. Preparation is ...
ColumnsGM Resources

Building a Pantheon: Creating Universal Gods

Last week, we looked at how to create a single pantheon for a particular culture or race in your setting. This week we will take a look at how to create universal gods.  In a traditional D&D setting, there are ...
AdventuresGM ResourcesReviewsSettings

The Eye of Klothys Review

All images were taken from Mythic Oddyseys of Theros. Thumbnail image from the reviewed product’s cover After being one of M.T. Black’s playtesters on the adventure (you can even find my name in there) I grabbed this adventure to review ...
D&D 5eGM Resources

Monthly Encounter #12: An Abominable Cavern (lvls 5-10)

Thumbnail art from Grady Frederick Here at Tribality, we’ve decided to provide our readers with Encounters ready to be added to your table. I’ll be creating new ones monthly for you to have a big collection to look through when ...
ColumnsGM Resources

Building a Pantheon: How to Choose Your Gods

Today we start a new series in worldbuilding focusing on a heavenly subject: creating pantheons for your tabletop roleplaying game. When creating a new world to play Dungeons and Dragons 5e, or any fantasy TRPG, the gods and the role ...
ColumnsD&D 5eGM ResourcesGM Tips & Tricks

More Faction Ranks’ benefits for your players

In my previous article, I tried to create something that would make the players care about their faction. If you don’t give them some benefit from scaling in them there’s nothing that will make them want to join one. Creating ...