
Aquatic / Pirate

Aquatic / PirateNautical Nonsense

6 Kinds of Waterborne Cutthroats from History

I thought this guest post by Mark Cookman might be interesting to listeners who caught my spot as a guest on the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast. In the episode we talked about pirate campaigns and this look at the different types ...
Aquatic / PirateCampaign TrailGM ResourcesSeas of Vodari

World Building – Part 7: Letting Your Players into the ...

Intro | History | Religion | Working Worlds | Geography | Filling Your World | Your Players | Player Options Now that we’ve examined creating a world by giving it history, religion, geography, technology, magic, people and places, the really ...
Aquatic / PirateBehind the ScreenCharacter BuildsD&D 5eFrom the Depths

Novel Inspiration: Return of the King

We live in a world that provides an almost endless supply of inspiration for not only campaign worlds and storylines, but for characters. Crossing genres is one of my favorite ways to get inspired for those few times I can join ...
Aquatic / PirateNautical NonsensePodcasts

Pirate Campaigns – Tribality Writer Shawn on Dungeon Master’s Block

I had a blast being a guest to talk about pirate campaigns with DM Mitch and DM Chris on the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast. We discussed everything from history, themes, monsters, weapons, eye patches, peg legs and more. “This week ...
Aquatic / PirateCampaign TrailGM ResourcesSeas of Vodari

World Building – Part 6: Filling Your World

Intro | History | Religion | Working Worlds | Geography | Your Players | Player Options A world is just an empty place without people, places and things to fill it and bring it to life. My favorite fantasy worlds ...
Aquatic / PirateFrom the DepthsGM ResourcesPlayer ResourcesRPGs

Marine Miniatures: How to find Aquatic Creatures for your Table ...

One of the most challenging aspects of aquatic games has nothing to do with mechanics, culture, or setting. It’s finding miniatures. Aquatic games are already challenging for some players to become attached to, so by taking the effort to bring inexpensive miniatures, maps, and ...
Aquatic / PirateCampaign TrailGM ResourcesSeas of Vodari

World Building – Part 5: Geography

Intro | History | Religion | Working Worlds | Geography | Filling Your World | Your Players | Player Options There are tons of examples of fantasy worlds that came to life from someone’s imagination when they decided to put ...
Aquatic / PirateD&D 5eFrom the DepthsPlayer ResourcesRaces

Aquatic Allies: Locathah for 5th edition

Although humanoid in shape, locathah are piscinoids and share little in appearance with land-based humanoid races. Locathah vary greatly in their scale color, size, and temperament. Females and males look very much alike whatever area of the ocean they come ...
Aquatic / PirateCampaign TrailGM ResourcesSeas of Vodari

World Building – Part 4: Making Your World Work

Intro | History | Religion | Working Worlds | Geography | Filling Your World | Your Players | Player Options From Asgard to Zothique, there are many, many richly imagined worlds that have been created for books, games, movies, television ...
Aquatic / PirateClassesFrom the Depths

5th Edition Fighters Built for Speed: Mariners/Skirmishers

This 5th edition fighter-based mariner is inspired by the ranger-based class introduced in one of my favorite Pathfinder supplements, Cerulean Seas, and credit goes where credit is due. Huge thanks to Emily Kubisz and the team at Alluria Publishing. Mariner/Skirmisher ...