How to become a VIP player at the online casino

Life sometimes seems like a competition: those with a higher status benefit the most compared to the average and are considered winners. Have you ever thought about being one of the chosen few? After all, VIP sounds like comfort, luxury, prestige and privileges. What not everyone is granted in their everyday or professional life (and what not everyone finds desirable!) is fairly easy to achieve at the online casino. Just read on and take a look at stay casino no deposit bonus, and you too could soon be rubbing shoulders with the VIP players!


The VIP ‘misunderstanding’ in online casinos

Perhaps you associate the term ‘VIP’ with a high social rank, with power and with wealth. Especially in casinos, the word is confused with the classic ‘high roller’, who actually puts a very substantial budget on the table – on a regular basis, because even thousands of euros are peanuts for this clientele. Many casino players actually refrain from even looking at the VIP programmes in online casinos because of this way of thinking. After all, the majority only play for fun and for smaller amounts. If only more players knew that a systematic rise to the top of the winners’ podium is open to every casino customer!

VIP programmes in the casino: what you should bring

In online casinos, the principle of performance, which you know from society, also applies to a certain extent, but in a much simpler and perhaps fairer form. Here it depends less on what basic requirements you already have. Casino operators have developed binding VIP programmes in which you can work (or rather, play) your way to a certain status according to a fixed scheme. In this case, you can speak of equal opportunities. Loyalty is the primary reward. All you need to bring is a little consistency. Of course, a little game capital is also necessary, but we are not talking about huge sums. You can complete a game round with just a few cents.

What’s in it for the casino operator to offer a VIP programme?

Online casinos are exposed to fierce competition. They have to operate profit-oriented and need sales. They invest a fortune in new customer acquisition in the form of campaigns and bonus offers alone, and are always at risk of being overtaken by competitors. While conventional casinos in rural areas can achieve satisfactory visitor numbers even without special promotions, perhaps because they are lucky with their location, the operators of internet casinos have to dig much deeper into their bag of tricks – after all, there are countless of them, and they are open 24/7.

And the process of acquiring new customers with welcome bonuses is by no means over: under no circumstances can guests be allowed to get bored, because with just a few clicks, they can change casinos. This is precisely why VIP programmes, also known as loyalty programmes, exist: These are designed to ensure that customers remain loyal to the provider they have chosen, log in more often and not only take advantage of the free offers, but also venture into the real money mode.

The concept works: a bonus is always within reach

In many online casinos, you will find a whole range of bonus promotions. Most offers come and go in quick succession, sometimes completely out of the blue. This may be exciting and thrilling, but it doesn’t necessarily give you the opportunity to really plan and calculate. A VIP programme is fundamentally different: you open the page with the description and get a precise ‘roadmap’ that will remain in place for the long term. You see several stages with defined milestones – and at the top the big long-term goal. Each stage you reach represents winnings – you receive a ‘title’ that defines your current status. You also collect a bonus for each one. You can do it all at your own pace! Once you have achieved a status, it will never be taken away. So it’s always only upwards.

This is how you advance in the VIP system

The deciding factor for your VIP advancement is your turnover. As soon as you join the programme, you will receive points for your real-money wagers. While you play, a counter runs in the background, documenting your activity and assigning the points to your player account. You don’t have to calculate anything or do any bookkeeping, because the software does it all. You can check your current status in your profile after each session and find out how close you are to your next reward. So as long as you keep playing at your online casino, you’re sure to reap the rewards of your loyalty soon!

From new customer to VIP: How to get started

One step at a time. The journey is the reward. If you keep these two well-known proverbs in mind, you will quickly enjoy success and a good time. The trick is that on the way to the highest level, there are always rewards waiting for you along the way. It will be an adventure! It could look like this:

  1. Find a suitable online casino: Read expert reviews. These are freely available online and offer you the opportunity to compare reputable providers and get the most important information. In addition to the game selection, service and other important selection criteria, pay particular attention to the expert assessment of the VIP or bonus programme.
  2. Consider taking advantage of a bonus to get you started: In fact, welcome offers are usually not compatible with an online casino’s loyalty programme. This means that your bonus money bets will most likely not earn you any points in the loyalty programme. Nevertheless, claiming the new customer offer may be the best decision. Always read the bonus conditions carefully and then decide whether to participate or not!
  3. Register on the selected site: Now you can create a player profile by registering with your name, email address, place of residence and possibly with your mobile phone number. Then activate your account. Remember your login password well, because from now on you should plan at least occasional visits to the casino.
  4. Check the registration requirements for the VIP programme: in some online casinos, all registered players automatically participate in the programme. In other casinos, a separate registration is required.
  5. Play in real money mode: after you have deposited your starting credit, you can use the real money games. Plan regular time for this and keep an eye on your progress. As soon as you reach the next status level, the bonus or reward listed in the VIP plan is available to you (often in the form of a code).

Free spins, cash credits, prizes and more: VIPs have priority

The loyalty rewards vary from online casino to online casino. For example, there are free spin packages or bonus credits in the form of coins. These give you additional chances of winning and playing time in the online casino. The higher your status, the more generous and extravagant the prizes will be. In some loyalty programmes, extra VIP managers, technical gadgets, personalised bonus packages and even invitations to events and trips are provided. Take a look at the individual programme and enjoy the anticipation!

What you should bear in mind during your participation

This article should have made it clear: it is realistic for newcomers and absolute hobby and recreational players with a modest budget to become a VIP. Nevertheless (or perhaps for that very reason?), you should not rush into it. Take it easy, because excessive ambition and the associated rush can be counterproductive. Starting to collect points can be downright addictive under certain circumstances. As long as your gaming habits remain within reasonable and healthy limits, this is a positive thing. However, if you start to think only about casino games, this should be seen as a warning sign. This applies even more if you throw your planned limits overboard and financially overextend yourself.

Becoming a VIP is great, but it’s not everything in life!

The VIP programme is a great extra that you will find at good online casinos. Of course, it is intended to encourage you to play. However, please make sure that you stay in control. VIP status should not be the centre of your thoughts all the time and should not be your only motivation. Keep an eye on the financial risks of gambling and limit your deposits and bets. To conclude the article with another saying: Rome wasn’t built in a day! It’s not speed that counts, but consistency in achieving your goal.