Edition Wars Podcast
If you’ve been reading my articles here on Tribality for more than the last week or two, you probably know that I find a lot of interest in a historical perspective on game design and the decade-over-decade growth of rules. ...
D&D Stream of Many Eyes on Twitch – June 1-3, ...
We just received a press release about the Stream of Many Eyes running from June 1 to June 3, 2018 on Twitch. This event will provide a showcase where the new adventure coming later this year will be announced and ...
Mordenkainen’s Podcasts of Foes
Read our full review of Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes Last summer, the D&D team at Wizards of the Coast (WotC) did a ton of promotion for Tomb of Annihilation, including Podcasts of Annihilation. From May 7th to 20th, WotC will be ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part Three
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part Two
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part One
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Interview from the Shed – Adventures from the Shed Podcast
At Tribality, we’ve been interviewing some of the people who are behind all the awesome stuff that is being created for tabletop gamers – such as podcasts. I started listening to the Adventures From the Shed podcast last year. I ...
Tribality Talks Steampunkery on Dungeon Master Block Podcast
Episode 55 of the Dungeon Master Block podcast is out. DM Mitch and DM Chris of the Dungeon Master Block talk with Tribality’s own Shawn Ellsworth about about how to bring the genre of Steampunk into your rpgs!
Talking TableTop for New and Aspiring Game Masters
Once again, James Mcclure and the Talking TableTop podcast hits it out of the park. I’ve been hearing about Darcy Ross since just before GenCon and listened to her brilliant guest appearance on the One Shot Podcast‘s Numenera sessions, so I’ve ...
More Love for Players
Huge thanks to DM Mitchell and DM Chris for inviting me back to the Dungeon Master’s Block this week with the ever excellent, DM Neal Powell. DM Neal and DM Mainprize host a post-episode discussion on the DMB forum called ...