GEN CON 2015

So here I go again. 🙂
Later this month, I will be traveling with my squad to Gen Con, and it will definitely be a blast. I’ll be taking the car and heading up to Indianapolis, stopping at the first place I see to get some Cincinnati Skyline Chili, and later checking in to a South Indianapolis Hotel. Then head over to the convention center Wednesday night to look around and get a lay of the land. I’ll be driving up each morning and looking for parking. We are bringing two people that have never been before, and it is so hard to explain what Gen Con is like. They’ve asked, but you just have to go to experience the awesomeness.
I think I am ready. I’ve already received badges, generics & pre-planned event tickets. They are safely tucked away with the hotel info and other important must bring stuff. I’ve got my schedule in a spreadsheet on Google drive, so I can share it with my squad. And check it on my mobile at the convention. It is going to be a very busy 5 days, and I’m already not planning much sleep. Maybe get to bed by midnight and wake up at 6am to do it all over again every days. I’m going to be busy with scheduled events & interviews, and also I will be posting articles and pictures of Gen Con this year. I won’t be able to see everything, as that’s impossible, but I will try to focus on specific things.
So if you weren’t able to go, then maybe you’ll like what I am going to put together for you during Gen Con. I’ll try to take lots of pictures, but please let me know if there is something you wanted to see. If I have an empty spot, I’ll add it to my agenda and get the scoop.
If you are at GEN CON, then shoot me an email, and maybe I can swing by and see what you guys are doing. If you see me then please say hi, I might even have some Tribality swag to give you, or a card. 😉
If you want to contact me, then send an email: or tweet: @mrlong78
The Angry GM
Also, you should read Angry GM’s article with excellent GEN CON tips. It has a lot of great information, and I am sad to see that he won’t be there this year. He gives a very good explanation of what the convention is like, but like I said, it’s so hard to explain and he gets very close to perfect. Check it out:Â
And if you didn’t know, here is the information on Gen Con:
Gen Con – Indiana Convention Center
Gen Con is the original, longest-running, best-attended, gaming convention in the world!
Featuring hundreds of game companies, award-winning authors and artists, costumed attendees, more than 14,000 events, a Family Fun Pavilion, and the debut of exciting new games, Gen Con truly is The Best Four Days in Gamingâ„¢!
Join gamers from all 50 states and more than 40 countries for the event of the summer, Gen Con 2015, taking place in Indianapolis from July 30 – August 2, 2015.
Last year, Gen Con reached all-new attendance records with a weekend turnstile attendance of 184,699 and unique attendance of 56,614. This represents a more than 14% total increase year-over-year. To read the 2014 post-show press release, click here.
Interested in getting Official Gen Con merchandise? You can at Offworld Designs.