

Interview: Nolan T. Jones from Roll20

At Tribality, we’ve been interviewing some of the people who are behind all the awesome stuff that is being created for tabletop gamers – such as virtual tabletops. I’ve been using heavily for over a year now and I ...
D&D Adventurers LeagueInterviewsPodcastsRole Initiative

Role Initiative Podcast #3 – Interview with WotC’s Chris Tulach

In episode #3 of Role Initiative, Tribality author A.A. Amirault interviews Chris Tulach, Program Manager for Organized Play with Wizards of the Coast. Topics include his gaming background, D&D Adventurers League, Tyranny of Dragons, Elemental Evil, and the performance of ...
Behind the ScreenGM ResourcesInterviewsPodcastsRPGsSettingsSurvivalist GamingSystem Agnostic

Terrify Your Players in all the Right Ways!

Award-Winning author and contributor, J.M. Perkins, guests on the Dungeon Master’s Block this week talking about survivalism and horror in gaming. One of J.M.’s incredible strengths is taking the simplest items or creatures most gamers ignore, and creating a horrific ...
Behind the Screend20InterviewsPreviewsReviewsRPGsStar Wars

Interview with Award-Winning Cartographer Christopher West

Christopher West is best known for his work on the d20 Star Wars RPG and miniatures combat line, as well as both Wizards of the Coasts’ Maps of Mystery project, and Monte Cook’s multiple ENnie-winning Numenera RPG (including the 2014 ENnie ...
AdventuresAquatic / PirateClassesD&D 1eD&D 2eD&D 3.5eD&D 4eD&D 5eFrom the DepthsGame Systems - MiscellaneousInterviewsMonsters & NPCsPathfinder RPGPlayer ResourcesPodcastsRacesSavage Worlds

Aquatic Talk with DM’s Block

TL;DR: If you’re reading this column, you’ll want to listen to this pod. This week I sit down with DM Mitch and DM Chris from the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast to talk about everything both roleplyaing and aquatic. If you aren’t familiar with ...

Interview: Mitch and Chris from Dungeon Master’s Block Podcast

At Tribality, we’ve been interviewing some of the people who are behind all the awesome stuff that is being created for tabletop gamers – such as podcasts. I started listening to the Dungeon Master’s Block podcast a few months ago ...
Behind the ScreenD&D 3.5eInterviews

Interview with Fan-Favorite Artist, Todd Lockwood

Todd Lockwood is one of the most recognized and prolific fantasy artists in the gaming industry. His work contributed to the reinvention of the 3rd Edition D&D Monster Manual, as well as the iconic characters of the 3rd Edition Player’s Handbook. ...
D&D 5eInterviewsPathfinder RPG

Interview with Creighton Broadhurst of Raging Swan Press

I thought it might be a good idea to start interviewing some of the people behind the awesome products that are available for tabletop gamers. I contacted Creighton after really enjoying some resources I picked up for my campaign on ...
DragonlanceForgotten RealmsInterviews

Chris Perkins – Den of Geek Interview

Den of Geek was able to spend some time with Chris Perkins (Wizards of the Coast) to discuss the Forgotten Realms and all the related books, comics, video games and tabletop adventures that call it home.
D&D 5eInterviews

Jeremy Crawford Polygon Interview – Dungeon Master’s Guide Details and ...

Charlie Hall at Polygon interviewed Jeremy Crawford of Wizards of the Coast. Their conversation focused on the just released Dungeon Master’s Guide.