
Tag: world-building

Performance Check

The Personality of Ron Weasley (and Backgrounds)

With the advent of new Harry Potter material, what’s old is new again, and I can talk about ...
Performance Check

Puzzles in a Pinch

If you had asked me a decade ago, I would never have said I would be in a ...
Performance Check

Burden of Knowledge Design

One of the common usages of “burden of knowledge” is describing a situation where you need in-depth exposure ...
Performance Check

Keep Summer Safe: A Look at Conflict Resolution

It’s no secret I love Rick & Morty. I’ve been on record for several years now stating it ...
Performance Check

The Earl of Lemongrab and Antagonists

“I have to use my sound sword now! It’s a sound sword!” -Lemongrab, Earl of Lemongrab The current ...
Performance Check

Independence Day: Resurgence and Wasting Good Design

Zir’an can wait one more week. I absolutely must discuss Independence Day: Resurgence and how it represents the ...
Performance Check

Popstar and Putting a Good Twist on Classics

I am taking a break from the Zir’an series this week to focus on some GM advice from ...
Performance Check

Adventure Creation Lessons from Technoir

One of the best tabletop games I have ever played is Technoir, by Jeremy Keller. Technoir is a ...
Performance Check

The Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy Setting of Rygar

I absolutely adore metroidvania style games. I love the exploration, adventure, and the feeling of familiar content giving ...
Performance Check

The Almighty Johnsons, The Power of Self, and the Reverse ...

I had a conversation the other day regarding clerics, warlocks, and the nature of other-directed character advancement. It ...