Thoughts & Things

The Angry DM’s Guide to Combat Encounters

There are a lot of guides out there for running encounters, and putting together stories.  I’ve read a bunch and some of them are very helpful, while others are just short lists put together without any real meat on the bone.  So for this past month, I’ve been keeping up with The Angry DM’s combat encounters guides.  So there are three of them, and they are super detailed with sketches and all sorts of content. I have to say that I really like them.  The guides are huge and look like they took a lot of time, and they are well written and very helpful for us DMs.  They are very
educational, and informative, and I think Scott Rehm (@TheAngryDm) did an awesome job on these. I’d like to thank him for all the hard work.

He just finished and published the last one a few hours ago, and I saw it on my twitter feed and I was super excited to start reading the last one.  I just had to share.  If you get a chance, and you’re a DM, you need to check them out.  You will find some good ways to make some awesome combat encounters for your D&D game.  It is well worth the read.  So if you like them like I did, then you need to follow him on Twitter like I do to get his updates. He also has YouTube videos.

The Angry DM – Guide to Kickass combats links:

Guide to Kickass Combat Part 1

Guide to Kickass Combat Part 2

Guide to Kickass Combat Part 3


Have Fun!


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