The Folio: Neo-Retro Gaming Modules for 5th Edition

I heard about the R Scott Taylor’s The Folio Kickstarter from Ernest Gary Gygax Jr. R Scott Taylor is the Art Director at Gygax Magazine, and so I was excited to go check out the project. I have seen a lot of Kickstarters, and this one immediately caught my eye. Mainly because I really am digging D&D 5th edition, and the retro art and feel is astonishingly great. And these campaign modules feature artwork by Daniel Horne, Jim Holloway, Jeff Laubenstein, Jeff Dee, and David Martin!
The Folio
R Scott Taylor has already created an initial issue, and the Kickstarter is funding for printing, shipping design, writing, mapping, and storytelling artwork. So he has said, “I’ve streamlined this Kickstarter campaign like a tender cut filet, and each backer is going to get more of what they want instead of meaningless bangles and unneeded fluff.” Go to this link and check it out for yourself: The Folio Kickstarter
The Modules can be used without the 5th edition rules, because the monsters are separated into a bestiary, so basically any system can be used with these modules. They will only need to have the monster supplements for that system.
The Folio will be a bi-monthly adventure module subscription and created with a removable cover (very awesome). The old school “wrap” removable cover with maps on the interior can double as a DM Screen, and will house the dungeon booklet and Gazetteer. So all modules in The Folio series will contain; 3-D maps, a Gazetteer, a monster section, a new monster unique to the setting, DM’s notes and guides, and a full adventure.
Pledge Levels
So here are the levels of backing and there are several stretch goals:
- Digital Dungeoneer $15, Digital Copy of Module #1
- Full Run Full Plate, $25, Physical Copy of Module #1
- Full Run Digital Dungeoneer, $50, Digital Copy of Module #1, and all modules achieved as stretch goals in digital form
- Full Run Full Plate, $100, A signed physical copy of Module #1 and ALL modules achieved as Stretch Goals
- Full Party Adventure, $1000, Receive 7 signed physical copies of Module #1 and copies of all modules as stretch goals