All Previews | Table of Contents | Creating a Multiverse | Creating NPC Characters | Villainous Class Options | Traps | Downtime Activities | Magic Item Tables | Deck of Many Things | Magic Items A-Z | Figurine of Wonderous Power | Magic Rings | Eye and Hand of Vecna / Orb of Dragonkind | Poisons | Fire Arms, Explosives, and Alien Technology | Races and Subraces | Random Dungeons | Monster Lists
Here is an ongoing collection of the previews from the upcoming Dungeon Master’s Guide (D&D Core Rulebook) that we will update as previews are released.
Added Monster Lists
Added Downtime Activities
Added Poisons
Added Traps
Table of Contents
Chapter 2 | Creating a Multiverse
Chapter 4 | Creating Nonplayer Characters
Villainous Class Options (pages 90, 91, 96, 97)
Traps (pages 120-121)
Chapter 6 | Between Adventures
Downtime Activities (page 128)
Chapter 7 | Treasure
Magic Item Tables (pages 145)
Magic Items A-Z (pages 150-151)
Deck of Many Things (pages 162-163)
Figurine of Wonderous Power (pages 169-170)
Selection of Magic Rings (page 192)
Eye and Hand of Vecna / Orb of Dragonkind (page 224-225)
Chapter 8 | Running the Game
Poisons (pages 257-258)