Today’s the day when people arrive at Gen Con 2015 and set-up booths. While Gen Con really gets going tomorrow, there’s actually some stuff going on at Gen Con 2015 already. Today’s also the day when Tribality’s Mike (driving) and Rich (flying) arrive at the convention. Mike has a press pass and Rich is booked solid with booth visits, events, seminars and running and playing games.
If you’d like to say “Hi”, please let us know! You can contact any of us here on Tribality by hitting the Contact Us link to the right and putting any of our names in the Subject Line. You can also get a hold of Rich and Michael on Twitter while at the Gen Con (as long as the internet holds up): @umbralwalker, @mrlong.
You can view Rich’s Gen Con 2015 schedule here.
Day 0 Gallery
What’s Happening at Gen Con 2015 Today?
Free Events
If you login you can view all of today’s free events listed at on the Gen Con website.
Trade Day
Wednesday, July 29 is Trade Day, providing hands-on training to educators, librarians, and experienced retailers. Members of the press, may attend but will not have access to manufacturer giveaways.
Those who aren’t among the lucky thousands going to Gen Con this weekend check out the #GenCant hashtag on Twitter or visit the GenCan’t website.