Here is a quick summary of the details:
Beyond will launch on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 with all official content and 2 subscription tiers will be available for players. You can make one-time purchases or pay an ongoing subscription.
- include everything from the beta, with storage for up to six characters.
- Free users will also be able to create, use, and share their own homebrew content, but a paid account will be required to use and rate content created by other players
- You will see ads
- Free accounts can purchase these supplements as well, and no content will be lost if your paid subscription lapses.
- Digital sourcebooks (such as the Player’s Handbook or Volo’s Guide to Monsters) will be available for $29.99, while adventure modules (such as Curse of Strahd or Storm King’s Thunder) will be available for $24.99.
For the first week after launch, the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual will be on sale for $19.99 each!
Players can sign up for one of two subscription tiers.
Hero Tier $2.99/month
- intended primarily for players
- removes ads on the site
- allows players to create an unlimited number of characters
- ability to add publicly-shared homebrew content to your collection to use within the toolset
- Master Tier $5.99/month
- intended primarily for Dungeon Masters and full groups
- grants all the benefits of the Hero Tier, and also allows a DM to share all her unlocked official content with other players within a campaign – so content does not have to be unlocked by every player.
Here’s a quote from the forum post…
Players will be able to unlock official Dungeons & Dragons content in digital format for a one-time purchase that is integrated into the toolset. Players can also purchase individual game elements or bundled content within any official source. Like to play barbarians? You can unlock that class and all of its options only. Want to run “Tomb of Horrors” from Tales From the Yawning Portal? Unlock that single adventure.