
Roll20CON June 22-23 and Charactermancer

I just received an email from Nolan over at Roll20 with details on all the stuff happening in June. Roll20CON is running again this year. The event is being run on the weekend of June 22, with lots of tabletop stuff planned for the Friday and Saturday. Charactermancer, Roll20’s step-by-step character builder is available on the dev server for Pro Users.

Here’s the details from Roll20 with more to come shortly.

Roll20CON is June 22-23!

Our yearly online celebration of all things tabletop is happening on Friday and Saturday, June 22nd and 23rd! Roll20CON is two days of online games, tabletop streams, and giving back right here on Roll20 and Twitch. This year we’ve paired up with Take This, a charity whose mission it is to provide education about mental disorders and mental illness prevention, and to reduce the stigma of mental illness. We hope you join us in supporting their worthy cause, as all donations during Roll20Con will go directly to Take This.


We’re making the tag Roll20CON2018 available again this year! Tag your game with it and you will get access to all the perks of a Plus subscription, like dynamic lighting, without having to pay a cent. We wanted to give you time to play with these features, so we’re making the tag available for two whole weeks. Simply add the “Roll20CON2018” tag to your games starting today, and you will get the free Plus features until Sunday June 24th!

Last week we got to reveal our newest addition to Roll20: the Charactermancer! The Charactermancer will guide you step-by-step through the process of building a character, helping you choose your class, stats, spells, and more.

For Pro users, it is available for testing RIGHT NOW on the Development Server, so get in there and test that Charactermancer magic! We’ve been reading your feedback on the forums, and our first patch went live this morning.

Not a Pro user? No problem! Once the Charactermancer leaves its beta, we will be releasing it as a FREE tool for all our users. For now, we invite everyone to learn more details on our blog!