Welcome back to the world of STORM EDGE: THE ADVENTURES IN EIGHT ISLES! This week, we are introducing new subclass for Bards in The Eight Isles: College of Personas!
College of Personas
The precarious nature of The Eight Isles where other planes’ influence is constant has given a rise to a college of bards who find elegant beauty in the impermanence of the universe. Rather than try to resist it, these College of Personas bards strive to embody this mysterious profundity and divine and subtle spark that lies within all existence and draw powers and personas through their movement and voices.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Personas at 3rd level, you gain one Skill proficiency in either Performance, Deception or Persuasion. Additionally, you gain Tool proficiency in disguise kit or one type of musical instrument.
Persona Focus
At 3rd level your practice of assuming Personas can employ special tools. You can use the following objects as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells: Mask, Face Paint Brush, Cosmetic Tools, Disguise Tool.
Personas of Impermanence
At 3rd level, you have mastered the ability to embody the personas of fictional, historical or legendary figures to act as temporary incarnations of them. You can assume the Persona as an action, possessing all abilities of the Persona for up to 1 hour (you may choose to end it at any time)
When you use this ability, pick one from the following Common Persona Types:
Youth: You assume the Persona of an innocent prodigy. During the Persona’s Duration, you gain proficiencies in one skill of your choice. Additionally, you can use your reaction to expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die, roll the die and subtract the number from an attack roll or damage roll targeting you.
Warrior: You assume the Persona of a renown Samurai. During the Persona’s duration, you gain proficiencies in all Martial and Special Weapons. Additionally, once per round, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and add that number to the damage made with an attack using a weapon.
Lady: You assume the Persona of an elegant beauty. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Charm Person, expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and add the number to any Deception or Persuasion check you make.
Noble: You assume the Persona of a personage of prestige. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Unseen Servant, expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and add the number to any Intimidation, Arcana or History check you make.
Elder: You assume the Persona of a wise hermit. During the Persona’s duration, you gain proficiencies in Insight, Perception and Medicine. Additionally, you can use your reaction to expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die, roll the die and subtract the number from an ability check targeting you.
Fool: You assume the Persona of a celebrated jester. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Tasha’s Hideous Laughter, expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and add the number to any Performance, Acrobatics or Sleight of Hand check you make.
Once you use this feature, you may not do so again until you take a Short or Long Rest after which, you may change the Persona Type.
At 6th level, your mastery to act as an incarnation is so great, the duration you can assume a Common Persona Type increases to up to 8 hours.
Additionally, your masterly allow you to embody figures of great powers as your specialties for up to 1 hour. Pick two from the following Great Persona Types as your specialties:
Apparition: You assume the Persona of a ghastly horror. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Fear or Bestow Curse (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from the Wisdom Saving Throw of one target you can see (your choice).
Divine: You assume the Persona of a radiant celestial. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Beacon of Hope or Aura of Vitality (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from one Charisma Saving Throws of one target you can see (your choice).
Giant: You assume the Persona of a fearsome horned titan. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Elemental Weapon or Wind Wall (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from the Strength Saving Throws of one target you can see (your choice).
Dragon: You assume the Persona of an imposing scaled serpent. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Call Lightning or Sleet Storm (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from the Dexterity saving throws of one target you can see (your choice).
Beast: You assume the Persona of an apex animal of power. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Haste or Slow (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from the Constitution saving throws of one target you can see (your choice).
Sage: You assume the Persona of an immortal master. During the Persona’s duration, you may cast Counterspell or Protection from Energy (choose when you assume the Persona), expending a spell slot. Additionally, you may expend one of your Bardic Inspiration Die as a bonus action, roll the die and subtract the number from the Intelligence saving throws of one target you can see (your choice).
Once you use one of your Great Persona type abilities, you may not do so again until you take a Long Rest.
You may never embody different Persona Types at the same time.
State of Tranquility
At 6th Level, while you embody a Persona (Common or Sublime), your mind is in a state of a total tranquility and thus you have advantages on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, as well as resistance against Psychic damages.
Subtle Sublimity
At 14th level, your mind is in a constant state of sublimity which give you advantages on saving throws against being charmed or frightened at all time, as well as immunity to Psychic Damage. Additionally, you may add one another Great Persona to your specialties and the duration you can assume them increases to 8 hours.