D&D Direct – April 2022 – Spelljammer Confirmed

The first ever D&D Direct came at us with many wonderful surprises. It is the 2022 Announcement showcase. So much goodness with new campaign settings, video game, board games, D&D movie release date, new D&D starter box, miniatures, online collections of adventures and monsters, and physical accessories. So let me start off with some exciting news
The long awaited release of the D&D 5th edition Spelljamer campaign setting has arrived. Spelljammer will start with three books, DM screen and double-sided map all contained in a slipcover. Campaign settings, New Player races; Astral Elves, Autognomes, Hadozees, Giffs, Plasmoids, and Thri-Kreen, and all the things. You can access Access Monstrous Compendium – Volume One: Spelljammer Creatures online now (April 21st) through a Wizards account at https://dnd.wizards.com Also there will be a free downloadable prequel adventure: Spelljammer Academy with a Wizards account available in July 2022.
Amazon Link to pre-order: https://amzn.to/3OmyY3n
The three books are Astral Adventurer’s Guide, Light of Xaryxis, and Boo’s Astral Menagerie and will be 64 pages long each:
- Light of Xaryxis—a 64-page hardcover adventure set in the Astral Plane for characters of levels 5–8
- The Astral Adventurer’s Guide—64-page hardcover book presenting the Astral Plane as a campaign setting, including space-based character options, spells, magic items, spacefaring rules, ships, and more
- Boo’s Astral Menagerie—a 64-page hardcover book with game statistics and descriptions for over 60 creatures found in Wildspace and the Astral Sea
There is an alternate cover for the 3 books as you can see below along with the starter set & campaign cases (click to enlarge):
Spelljamer is being released August 16th, 2022.
We saw some hints toward these settings, so we are happy to see the release of Dragonlance books, campaign setting Shawdow of the Dragon Queen, Battle Board Game Warriors of Krynn; releasing in late 2022.
D&D Starter Set
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle with digital onboarding tools. More streamlined and easier to understand. Digital content available for the starter set with a wizards account. The release date is August 1st exclusive to Target stores, and then a wide release date October 4th. The cover of the starter set takes inspiration from the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. The starter set goal is to be family friendly for new players (that includes new Dungeon Masters) to run games.
Baldur’s Gate 3…
Well, they are still working on the video game. Still looking at a release sometime in 2023.
Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
The anthology of adventures was announced back in March 2022. Journeys through the Radiant Citadel is a collection of thirteen short, stand-alone D&D adventures featuring challenges for character levels 1–14. Each adventure has ties to the Radiant Citadel, a magical city with connections to lands rich with excitement and danger, and each can be run by itself or as part of an ongoing campaign. Explore this rich and varied collection of adventures in magical lands. D&D Direct showcases 3 adventures from the book. Release date is June 21, 2022
Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/3v5ZgPM
D&D Movie Update
We got an March 3rd, 2023 release date for the movie.
D&D Neverwinter Video Game – Dragonslayer
Release date June 2022
D&D Accessory Products
Some new accessories come at us in nifty storage boxes. The D&D Campaign Case has two flavors; Terrain and Creatures. 64 customizable creature tokens with removable/cling stickers. 30 double sided terrain tiles with cling stickers. Release date of July 2022.
Amazon Pre-order Terrains: https://amzn.to/3K0gJ05
Amazon Pre-order Creatures: https://amzn.to/3v5tsdU
And from new table top board game. Wizkids Onslaught board game and we have Spelljammer Figurines!
D&D European release dates
D&D Press Release Fact Sheet
2021 was the best year ever