D&D 5eNews

Dungeonscape Update: Android Beta invites sent & More

On the DungeonScape Blog Thursday Questions & Answers.  This week’s big news is the launch of the Android beta test!

The Beta application is still open and you can get there at this link: http://www.trapdoortechnologies.com/beta

Trap Door Technologies says:

“We have sent out 6750 web beta invites (currently there are ~16000 people signed up for web beta)

We have sent out 500 android beta invites (currently there are ~ 8000 people signed up for android beta)

A lot of you have been asking “What day are you up to?” – Unfortunately we don’t have easy access to that information – the best we can do is tell you how many we’ve sent out and how many are left!

Still waiting on approval to release the iOS version”