If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out the 3-time ENnie nominated, 2014 Silver ENnie-winning, AaWBlog, now’s the time! The focus of AdventureAWeek.com is primarily on publishing adventures compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game such as Rise of the Drow and Snow White, but has recently started adding 5th edition conversions to their awesome Pathfinder monsters and adventures. Like this week’s Statblock Sundaythe River Beast.Inline image 2

AdventureAWeek.com was started by Jonathan Nelson, interviewed last September over at Sword for Hire, but includes a bank of brilliant designers including Mike Myler, the creator of uncountable adventures and monsters, plus the upcoming campaign setting, Veranthea Codex from Rogue Genius Games. Mike is also working on a “super” #SECRETPROJECT he wouldn’t tell me about, but did say there would be updates soon over on his Twitter account, @MikeMyler2.

New material posts every day on the AaWblog: Magic Item MondayTrap TuesdayWeird WednesdayMeta Thursday (or sometimes Story Locale), the new Friday Adventurer’s Weekly webcomicSidequest Saturday, and finally StatblockSunday.

The great stuff in the AaWBlog is free, though for a $10 monthly subscription you get access to all of the website, including the adventures, classes, and races in web format, along with two PDF downloads each month. Having seen Rise of the Drow up close and the behind-the-scenes of Mike’s Veranthea Codex, I highly recommend you pop over and check it out.