This is the 4th Kickstarter in the Six part Roslof Keep Campaign series, and it is currently at funding levels with over 300 backers, but you only 7 days remaining to join! R Scott Taylor is the Art Director at Gygax Magazine, and heads up the Folio series from his company Art of the Genre. The Folio adventure modules have been going strong since the beginning of 2015. I have been lucky to have been able to be a part of this series since the start, and they has always delivered a great product.
The adventures are made for 1st and 5th edition. The Kickstarter campaigns have always been on time, we receive constant & great communication from Scott, the adventures are great, organized & well thought out, and the Art is outstanding! This all comes from a Art of the Genre that has a solid history of producing RPG gaming modules, art and novels now with 10 successfully filled Kickstarter campaigns under their belt. If is the first time hearing about the campaign, then I would suggest getting the print and electronic versions. And if you’re able, get a backing level so that you can get all 4 adventures.
I want to provide you with awesome and upgraded OSR 1E gaming content, while also giving you the option to enjoy the new landscape of 5E if you choose. My goal is always to quickly and efficiently deliver our products so that you can enjoy them without getting into a slog. I mean, remember, no 1980s module was more than 35 pages, and a classic like G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl was only 8 pages, but it was pure genius! Plus, all backers have the option getting PDF versions as well for easy reference on their computers!
I’ve already created & fulfilled the initial three modules, The Folio #1 Beneath Roslof Keep, The Folio #2 Tremors in the Machine, and The Folio #3 Curse of the Violet Corruption right here on Kickstarter. Now I want to put The Folio #4 in your hands just as fast. At AotG, we are about quality, content, and speed, and I like to think of myself as a time machine that can bridge the gap between things I loved in the past and what technology can bring us today.
Instead of making gaming anvils, I’ve drilled the artistry of the game down, found the gems of an extended campaign, and delivered it in such a way that both new and old gamers alike can enjoy and play without taxing their life schedules. In the end, isn’t gaming about being fun for everyone, not just the players? The Folio’s goal is to ensure that, and always give folks the very best quality ‘lean and mean’ adventures we can.
My Project:The Folio #4 is a 1st Edition & 5th Edition combined gaming module. It will be produced as an 8×11”, removable cover [11×17″ once removed], adventure with mostly b/w interior artwork. There are two interior booklets, The Gazetteer and The Dungeon, with the final size being roughly 40 pages of content.
Who’s it for? ALL gamers, both new gamers and old gamers as it is easily expandable or playable as is.The concept is to allow gamers a starting point for adventure that can be modified to their liking while providing excellent reference content and framework.The base mechanic will be for 1st Edition with 5th Edition insets, but I’ve designed it to be readily modified to any fantasy game, and don’t forget the PDF!
What’s in it? All original content. It has been written by myself and my OSR compatriot Mark Timm, with incredible cover art from Dragon Magazine cover artist legend Daniel Horne, and interior artwork by skilled black and white illustrators Brian ‘Glad’ Thomas, Chet Minton, Matthew Ray, Michael Wilson, Janet Aulisio, and Jeff Laubenstein. I’m even going to throw in at least one interior illustrations by Jim Holloway, because I can never get enough Holloway. We are intent on providing a polished and modern design with creatively nostalgic content that transcends a particular age. The Folio #4 will contain a 3-D map, a Gazetteer, a monster section, a new monster unique to the setting, DM’s notes and guides, and a full adventure.
When? The bulk of the module is complete, we only need to be funding so we can begin the full printing process. This means that PDFs will go out after the campaign wraps in September, and the physical copies should be to you no later than November!
Why Roslof Keep? Well, because I loved gaming artist Jim Roslof, have toured his studio, and always thought he should have received more credit for his work in the dawn of RPGs. This tribute is for his work on the cover of B2 Keep on the Borderlands.
I can’t do this without you: Art of the Genre needs your help! We’ve trimmed out all excess costs and have a break even amount of $5,000.This covers the printing, shipping, design, mapping, and the incredible story telling artwork we’ll be using in these adventures. We have already devoted countless hours to seeing this product come together, but to make it ‘real’ and available to all players, we need your help. We believe in this dream, and we hope you do too!
Pledge Levels
So here are the levels of backing :
Digital Dungeoneer, Backers Receive a PDF copy of The Folio #4 in 1E/5E format, $5
Full Plate, Physical Copy of Module #4 plus PDF Version, $15
Full Digital Delver, Digital Copy of Modules #1, 2,3 & 4, $20
Collector, 2 Physical Copies of Module #4. Backers also receive a PDF of Folio #4, $30
Writ of Service, Backers receive a signed and numbered edition for The Folio #4 1E/5E format [out of 100], plus receive a PDF version of The Folio #1, #2, #3 & #4 in both 1E and 5E rules, $35
Full Plate Delver, Backers receive physical copy of The Folio #1 [Sold Out Elsewhere!], The Folio #2, The Folio #3, & The Folio #4, plus receive a PDF version of The Folio #1, #2, #3 & #4 in both 1E and 5E rules, $100
Character Master, Backer receives a Signed & Numbered physical copy of The Folio #4, and will be able to name an NPC that appears in the city of Daern Kelton, plus receive PDF copies of Folio #1, #2, #3, & #4 in both 1E & 5E, $125
Art of the Crawl, Backer receives a signed & numbered physical copy of The Folio #1 [Sold Out Elsewhere!], The Folio #2, The Folio #3, & The Folio #4, plus an original piece of artwork from the series by artist Michael Wilson, and PDF copies of The Folio #1, #2, #3, & #4 in both 1E & 5E. [only 3 available!], AND they get to name the leader of one of the Mithel Companies of Roslof Keep, $250
Stretch Goals
What happens if we pass the goal? If we pass the goal, it will allow us to begin production on new stretch additions for the campaign as well as the next adventure in the series [as we did with The Folio #1, #2, & #3 KS campaigns], and our hope is to find enough support along the way to complete the entire six part Roslof Keep Campaign series of modules. Bottom line, our goal is to make a truly fantastic and age-defying piece of gaming history, each penny we receive goes toward that. This ‘put everything into the product’ mentality is why this Kickstarter is so thin on ‘rewards’, as SWAG steals from the overall content of the project, the product, and the backers, as well as slowing the process of getting the module into your hands!
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Kickstarter does not guarantee projects or investigate a creator’s ability to complete their project. It is the responsibility of the project creator to complete their project as promised, and the claims of this project are theirs alone.