
Last year I put together a Rules as Written (RAW) character build that could be used for D&D 5th edition to play a Jedi. After putting it together, there were a lot of great comments and critiques, and one that stuck with me was I didn’t have any of the specific Force powers. I had mainly focused on fighting with a lightsaber, and using the monk’s Ki powers to simulate use of jedi powers. But nothing screamed out JEDI!

Since this week is pretty special with the release of Star Wars – The Force Awakens, I want to keep what I did with the lightsaber with some tweaks, but now I want to create a pure Monk archetype for the Lightside, and hopefully later use that to create a template for a Darkside archetype later. Sound cool? I think so, and here is the Path of the Jedi D&D 5th edition Monk Archetype Homebrew that I put together.

Path of the Jedi


These titles are normally conferred by higher ranking Jedi/Jedi Council/Mentor by completing tasks, tests or quests, and are not normally automatic just by gaining experience points. In game terms, leveling up to the named ranks would involve meeting with a higher ranking Jedi non-player character to advance. With that said, it is assumed that the Jedi is part of the Jedi Order, and will obey the Order’s mandates and marching orders upon request. A Jedi will agree to make a life commitment to the Jedi Order, and follow the Jedi Code:

Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

If a Jedi does not live up the Jedi Code they can be expelled or banished. A Jedi that is expelled or banished from the order can not gain any further increases from leveling up in Path of the Jedi archetype unless it is possible that they make restitution for their actions. Their rank in the Order will be nullified, the required penance should correlate to the infraction as determined by the DM. A Jedi expelled from the Jedi Order becomes a Jedi Exile and continues to live their life, but usually in solitude or with other exiles. If the Jedi decides to follow the Dark side, then there usually is no return, and they could become a Dark Jedi or work to become a Sith Apprentice. I don’t have any mechanics developed if something like that happens yet, and it really depends greatly on how powerful the Jedi was when he fell away from the Light side.

Jedi Initiate (Level 3)

At this level, a Jedi begins training in the use of the Force, and takes on the Vows of the Jedi Order. The Jedi Initiate is assigned a trainer (a Jedi Knight or Master). For game mechanics, it is assumed that the Jedi does not follow their Jedi trainer constantly, and meets with them for training as a Jedi Initiate and Jedi Apprentice as needed during the leveling up process. The Jedi is able to use Detect Life and Force Lift at will. A Jedi Initiate gains the ability to use Calm Emotions innately twice per short rest as per the spell description. A Jedi Initiate also gains Farseeing (see Jedi Master for details), but can only use it once per week.

Also, a 3rd level character given a basic lightsaber for training from their trainer (follow the rules for the Lightsaber Feat for expected life). The Jedi will not be proficient until the Lightsaber feat is also taken. The feat is usually taken at Level 4, but possibly at Level 1 if Human Variant is chosen.

Detect Life. A Jedi Initiate becomes attuned with the force and can detect life within 60 feet, and also sense other Force Users that are within 120 feet. When another Force User is sensed, their Ki Pool can also be determined, but not how much is remaining.

force liftForce Lift
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You can use your action to control the force to interact with the world. You can use the force to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. The force can’t be used to attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds. Force lift should be when necessary to serve and protect, and never to be wasted trivially especially to entertain others.

Jedi Apprentice (Level 6)

At 6th level, the Jedi advances to Jedi Apprentice, and is able to telepathically communicate with willing creatures that are on the same plane of existence. This communication can occur between the Jedi and other Jedi that have passed their spirits into the Force. You can share short phrases, simple images, sounds and other force sensitive feelings to the other creature. Typically this type of communication is simple and limited and the player can repeat after a long rest. A Jedi Apprentice also gains the use of Force Empower and Force Telekinetic Levitate. A Jedi Apprentice gains the ability to use the Force Empower or Telekinetic Levitate by using 1 Ki point.

Force Empower. A Jedi can also impart Ki into one of his monk weapons or unarmed attacks until the beginning of his next turn. After the Jedi spends 1 Ki, then any target hit by the chosen Jedi’s Force Empowered attack must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer a critical hit on a failed result. This attack could be used in conjunction with Stunning Strike and other Monk abilities.


Force Telekinetic Levitate
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Upon a successful Wisdom (Insight) check by the Jedi, any creatures or objects (including yourself) of your choice that you can see within range rises vertically, up to 10 feet, and will remain suspend for the duration. Or objects that are falling or moving will stop in mid air. You can use a bonus action to propel levitated objects away in any direction toward a target, and this will end Force Telekinetic Levitate. Only one object of the group of levitated objects can be used to target an individual creature. Use ranged weapon fighting to determine if the object hits the target. The DM determines damage if any.

The difficulty of the Wisdom (Insight) Check is determined by the size of the object and/or the number of objects currently being levitated. A Wisdom (Insight) Check throw against an increasing difficulty to be made to maintain concentration. Upon a failed check, Force Levitate ends.

Start with a base DC 8, and add these modifiers for each separate Wisdom(Insight) check:
Size of Target: +1 DC for every 100 lbs of the target’s weight.
Number of Levitated Targets: +1 to DC for each separate target that is currently levitated.

Example: A Jedi Apprentice is attempting to levitate two falling boulders that are falling overhead. One boulder weights 15 lbs, and the other boulder weighs 400 lbs. (The check is done consecutively, so there are two checks).
First: the Jedi attempts to levitate the 15 lb boulder. A Wisdom (Insight) Check is made against a DC of 9 (base 8 + size 1 + 0) and the Jedi is successful by rolling a 10.
Second: another Wisdom (Insight) check is made to levitate the second 400# boulder. This requires a successful Wisdom (Insight) check against a DC of 13 (base 8 + size 4 + 1). If the Jedi fails, then Force levitate ends, and both boulders would continue to fall.
Third: The Jedi can take a bonus action to propel the boulders randomly away, or can choose to use them against two distinct targets. The Jedi would roll using ranged attack rules for improvised weapons to see if they hit their targets. The DM would determine damage. In my campaign, a 400 lb boulder crashing on a creature would do substantial damage, while a 15 lb boulder would be minimal.

Jedi Knight (Level 11)

At 11th Level, a Jedi can be promoted to Jedi Knight and gains Force Shield , Suggestion, and Force Healing features. A Jedi Knight can take on one Padawan to train in the force. See Jedi Initiate NPC below for stats.

Force Shield. By expending 1 Ki Point, you are able to shield yourself from damage. Until the start of your next turn, you gain resistance to damage. This ability can be used as a reaction to damage taken.

Suggestion. Creatures with Intelligence greater than 1, and not immune to Charm can be given slight suggestions. A Charisma Save is made, and upon failure the creature performs the action.

Force Healing. By using your concentration and meditative skills aided by the Force, you are able to induce positive affects of self-healing of any creature. During a short rest, you will be able to heal yourself or another creature up to 1/2 of their remaining Hit Dice. You must have direct contact with your target, as in hand touching the inflicted area of injury for the healing to take place. This can only be done for one creature, and you must finish a long rest before you can use Force Healing again.
For example, if a Level 12 Human Fighter has a maximum of 12 Hit Dice (d10), but has used 8 during a previous short rest they would have 4 Hit Dice remaining. The Jedi Knight can use Force Healing to allow 2 HD to be used for self-healing that will not reduce the remaining 4 HD of the healing creature. The Human Fighter would roll 2d10 and heal for that amount. Afterward, normal healing by expending some of the 4 Hit Dice could be used during the short rest.

Jedi Master (Level 17)

yoda 3

When the Jedi reaches 17th level, then he will gain Force Protection, increased use of Far seeing and Jedi Haste. A Jedi Master can also take on one or two new Padawans to train in the force. See Jedi Initiate NPC below for stats.

Force Protection. A Jedi Master can spend 2 Ki to absorb energy as a counter from a force or elemental attack, and as a reaction use the force to redirect the attack back at the source.

Farseeing. A Jedi Master connects with the force to “see” into the future, past, and present. This ability requires 2 Ki points and a short rest to perform. After the short rest, the player will roll a Wisdom (Insight) ability check, and then the DM will relay what the Jedi has seen. The Jedi can gain vague impressions of events happening in other places or times using the Force. The vision will be focused around events that occur with heavy emotions involved. Jedi can use this to determine if acquaintances are in danger, examining details of past events, or predicting the probable outcome of a stated course of action. The accuracy and amount of information revealed is determined by success of the ability check. Here is an example skill check result table. The DM determines if this is a vision in the Past, present or future, and can keep this secret from the player.

DC 5 – See the target’s feelings.
DC 10 – Sense the general location of a target, and their feelings.
DC 15 – Sense if target is dead or alive, feelings, general location.
DC 20 – Sense immediate surrounds and any strong emotions the target is feeling.
DC 25 – Sense other living creatures around the target.

A roll of 1 on the d20 does not mean failure or inaccurate information, the final modified result will determine the amount of information/insight that is gained.

Jedi Haste. Using the Force, the Jedi Master can spend 3 ki to double his speed, and the Jedi gains an additional action. This effect lasts for 1 turn. During Jedi Haste, movement of the Jedi Master does not create Opportunity Attacks. The additional action can only be Attack, Dash, Hide or Use an Object action.
An Example on movement, a Level 17 Human Jedi Master has a base speed of 30 plus 25 ft with unarmored movement for a total speed of 55 feet per turn. By expending 3 Ki, the Jedi Master would have a movement speed of 110 feet across the ground, vertical surfaces or across liquids. If the Jedi Master were to take the Dash Action, then total movement could be 220 feet for 1 turn. Zippppppppp!!!!!

Jedi Initiate Non-Player Character

Medium humanoid, lawful good
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 17 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 40 ft.
STR 13 (+1) | DEX 15 (+2)| CON 12 (+1)
INT 10 (+0) | WIS 14 (+2) | CHA  9 (-1)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3, Perception +4
Senses Forcesense 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, racial language
Challenge 1/4 (100 XP)
Unarmored Defense. While the monk is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.
Unarmored Movement. While the monk is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its walking speed increases by 10 feet (included in its speed above).

Multiattack. The monk makes two melee attacks.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Lightsaber. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) radiant damage.
Force Lift. see description above.

Parry. The monk adds 2 to its AC against one melee or ranged weapon attack that would hit it. To do so, the monk must see the attacker.

Additional Jedi Titles

These titles don’t have a class level attributed to them, and are normally part of the Jedi Order which the player character has vowed to be a part. In a campaign without a council, or higher  ranking Jedi NPCs, then the player character should seek to establish their own structured council. These titles could be given to the player after they obtain level 18.

Jedi Grand Master

Grand Master is the term given to the acknowledged leader of the entire order. Grand Masters generally sit on the Jedi Council before rising to this rank, and have accomplished great deeds in their time. They must also demonstrate impeccable leadership qualities and show a deep understanding of the Jedi Code.

Jedi Master of the Order

Master of the Order is another rank exclusive to the Jedi Council and denotes the leader of the council. While technically below the authority of the Grand Master, in practice it is usually seen as roughly equal to the other title.

Jedi Councilor

Jedi Councilor is a formal term given to Jedi who sit on the Jedi Council. While they rank above regular Jedi Masters, the term itself isn’t used much in practice. Many simply refer to themselves only as Jedi Masters.

Custom Jedi Feats

Lightsaber Feat

Prerequisite: Monk, or Fighter Class

Increase Dexterity 1 point. You can gain this feat at any level, but you will need training & instruction from a Jedi Knight, Jedi Master to gain proficiency in fighting with a lightsaber. The Jedi Master or Knight will train you if they think you are worthy, and after much practice (upon reaching Level 3 or higher) you will be proficient with a lightsaber. In cases of campaigns without other Jedi, then it could be possible that a Jedi Spirit will direct the Player in training. In either instance, an initial lightsaber is given to the player character if they do not have one. It is typical very old, and will eventually need to be replaced by the player making their own lightsaber. The DM should determine ahead of time in secret the life expectancy of the lightsaber. For example: the life span could be based on game time, completion of a quest, number of sessions, or when the character levels up twice. Be sure the player knows that this  lightsaber won’t last very long.

When you gain this feat, you are also taught how to build a lightsaber, or this can be instruction can be gained much slower with a written journal. Lightsabers are built with rare crystals and Jedi magic/science. Lightsabers take time to craft, the DM decides when and where you find the materials for final construction of your own lightsaber.

FNULightsaber. 1d6 radiant damage – light, finesse, monk weapon – 150 gold in materials
This item appears to be a metallic tube with a switch on the side. While grasping the hilt, you can use a bonus action to push the switch and a plasma blade will form out of the end of the tube, or make the plasma blade disappear. Treat the lightsaber as a magical item for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage. Lightsabers cut through many common archaic weapons and objects, but will not cut through magic weapons or barriers. The lighsaber emits dim light in a 15 foot radius. The power source of the lightsaber is sufficient to last several lifetimes, and can be replaced.

Lightsaber Master Feat

Prerequisite: Jedi Knight, lightsaber proficiency

You gain further mastery with your lightsaber, and can add wisdom to your attack and damage rolls. Your attacks are more deadly, and your critical damage range increases. You score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Thank you for reading all of this. Please if you have any comments, or changes or catch an error let me know. Have Fun! 🙂


Fantasy Flight games has a Star Wars RPG game that you might want to check out. Here’s a Link:

Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG Beginner Game

Here’s a large fan page for D&D 5th edition:https://www.facebook.com/groups/DnD5th

Follow me on TWITTER @mrlong78 or send me an email: michael@tribality.com