Pathfinder RPGPlayer ResourcesPreviews

Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master’s Handbook

It’s splat time! This month we see the release of the Armor Master’s Handbook for Pathfinder RPG on April 27, 2016 giving players more ways to protect their PCs.

“The most experienced combatants know the best offense is a good defense—and the best defenders get the most from their armor with Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master’s Handbook!”

What you get…

  • Durable new archetypes to help combatants survive any assault, including the armored battlemage, the shieldbearer, the yojimbo, and more!
  • Magic armor and shields of every shape and size, from the sprightly arachnid harness to the unstoppable clockwork armor.
  • New methods to get the most out of your armor, from fighter armor training to combat style feats that emphasize your chosen type of protection.

Read More on Paizo.com

I love this cover!
