Greyhawk Shrines – I

This week we visit a few shrines from the various deities of the Greyhawk pantheon.
These shrines are designed to be slotted into a region and visited during a game as a side trek or as part of a larger issue. They should fit into Greyhawk games regardless of time period.
Deity : Trithereon (Individuality, Liberty, Retribution)
Altar Description : A bronze statue of a man with six arms, each holding a different object. Oddly the statue feels warm.
Suggested Locations : Lortmil Mountains or Gamboge Forest.
Geographic Challenges : 1 mile long, 100ft wide chasm.
Inhabited By : Dwarven Rangers. Hub of wilderness information gatherers.
Activities : Free servants and slaves from servitude around the area.
Watched By : Ehlonna Rangers-Allies. The Rangers have made many rope traps in the area.
Pay respect to the shrine : +2 vs Paralysis/Entanglement for 3 days.
Blaspheme the shrine : Quicksand where the blasphemer is standing.
Nearby Quest using From The Ashes boxed set : Dark Heart of Oak (7th)
Notable aware of the shrine – Bigby the Archmage of Mitrik.
Deity : Boccob (Knowledge, Magic, Balance)
Altar Description : Marble carved crystal ball sitting on an open book with four languages. The scent of fresh parchment lingers here.
Suggested Locations : Doorways to all four – Hochoch (Geoff), Pitchfield (Sunndi), Traft (Perrenland), Kelten (Stonefist)
Geographic Challenges : Door moves every prime number minutes (resets at 97).
Inhabited By : Human Clerics. Scribes, Readers and Scryers.
Activities : Educate people.
Watched By : Vecna Cult. Keen to assess any valuable lore the shrine may hide.
Pay respect to the shrine : You immediately learn a useful secret.
Blaspheme the shrine : -5 (Disadvantage) to Int rolls for D8 days, if you fail a DC 16 Will/Wisdom save.
Nearby Quest using Greyhawk City boxed set : Bathtime for the Hopping Prophet or Final Resting Place of Dorshak Crane.
Notable aware of the shrine – Melf Brightflame, Prince of Celene.
Deity : Raxivort (Bats, Rats, Xvarts)
Altar Description : Large limestone statue of a humanoid bat creature with three sets of bat wings and long rats tail coiled around the legs. The smell of rat poop comes from the floor.
Suggested Locations : Verse Forest or Iron Hills.
Geographic Challenges : There are rats everywhere here. Ahoy Disease!
Inhabited By : Halfling Clerics/Rogues. Eager for the day Raxivort will reward them.
Activities : Steal food and shiny things. Praise the lord of Rats.
Watched By : Ulla Church-Dwarves. Keeping the cult away from the mines.
Pay respect to the shrine : Suffer from Lycanthropy-Wererat. If you slay someone the curse is permanent.
Blaspheme the shrine : D20*D20 small sized Bats visit the area immediately.
Nearby Quest using Greyhawk City boxed set : Minding the Store or Siege of Highfolk.
Notable aware of the shrine – Timitrios Spartakos, Wizard of the Great Kingdom.
Title picture from Wrath of the Abyss, a Greyhawk adventure from Dungeon magazine, available at