DTRPG Review – Ramayana Tales: Search for the Sanjivni

Art: Alika Gupta
Design, layout, cartography: Rajib Kalita
Edited and co-produced: Jean Lorber
DM Experience: Competent
Player Experience: Advanced Beginner
Review: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ramayana Tales: Search for the Sanjivni from Rajib Kalita is an ambitious entry for a new designer, thoughtfully crafted to share an adventure from his own culture. Set in the kingdom of Viraat, this war-torn D&D 5E adventure is robust enough to last for many sessions.
This module includes a player primer, which is a brilliant way to separate character options from the main adventure. Ramayana Tales: Search for the Sanjivni introduces playable races rakshasa — based on their mythology instead of their fiendish Monster Manual counterparts — plus vaanar, character hooks, and background on the setting.
Plenty of opportunities for roleplay are available even with the pressure of time added to this adventure. The stylized layout makes it easy to quickly find information and the art beautifully highlights the setting and Indian influence.
Rajib grew up with Ramayana stories and wanted to share them with the greater D&D community, and add to the representation of Indian cultures. Rajib says that he added several encounters aimed specifically to immerse the players in the “Indian-ness” of the setting.
My selfish wish is to have a character sheet in the same style as this lovely module, which of course isn’t necessary! I highly recommend it for any table. Ramayana Tales: Search for the Sanjivni is available through DriveThruRPG.com.
A review copy of this product was provided.