
Campaign TrailD&D 5eDark SunMonsters & NPCs

10 Awesome Monsters for a D&D 5e Desert Encounter

Aquatic | Arctic | Cave or Underground | Desert | Forest | Grassland | Jungle | Mountain | Swamp Are your adventurers parched and starving in a desert wilderness? Does your group need a little challenge on the way to ...
Thoughts & Things

D&D 5e Apprentice Character Update

So, I’ve been play testing and starting off each new player with an Apprentice (level 0) character. Everyone thinks it is running awesome, and it’s cool to start the character at level 0, and only have the background. But they ...
Thoughts & Things

D&D 5e Psionics

Okay, so after working with Star Frontiers using D&D 5th edition rules,  I just realized that I needed to figure out Psionics. This will probably be in the DMG, but I don’t wanna wait (it wasn’t!!!). So where do I begin, ...
D&D 5eStar FrontiersThoughts & Things

Star Frontiers / D&D 5e Conversion Part 2

So here is the continuation of my Star Frontiers conversion using Dungeons & Dragons Fifth edition core rules.  I’ve been tweaking things, and pulled the equipment side out of the character creation.  I created the Astronaut class, and changed the ...
D&D 5eRacesStar FrontiersThoughts & Things

Star Frontiers / D&D 5e Conversion Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Okay.  There are three role playing games that I liked back in the ’80s from TSR: Dungeons & Dragons, Star Frontiers and Top Secret. With the ...
D&D 5eMonsters & NPCsThoughts & Things


So I’ve been thinking of Minions.  Minions surrounding the players and being hacked to pieces (the minions hopefully), only to be replaced by another one as their master/leader runs away to safety. Specifically taking some of the features of 4th ...
Aquatic / PirateCampaign TrailD&D 5eMonsters & NPCs

10 Awesome Monsters for a D&D 5e Aquatic Encounter

Aquatic | Arctic | Cave or Underground | Desert | Forest | Grassland | Jungle | Mountain | Swamp Looking to run an aquatic adventure of a full underwater campaign? Check out Under the Seas of Vodari. Arrrh matey! Looking ...
Player ResourcesThoughts & Things

Apprentice Characters

The topic of creating Apprentice or Zero level characters came up in a discussion group. and I’d like to do a quick writeup with my thoughts about creating one for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.  A zero level character can ...