WotC Unearthed Arcana – Modern Magic
The next installment of Unearthed Arcana is out today. Daniel Helmick gives us variant rules for Modern Magic, with the details on rules for City Doman for Cleric, Warlock Patron: Ghost in the Machine, Wizard Arcane tradition: Technomancy. Hacking Tools are introduced as a new tool skill, and several New Spells (On/Off, Conjure Knowbot, Find Vehicle, Shutdown, etc.)
Here is the excerpt:
Unearth Arcana
When the fifth edition Dungeon Master’s Guide was released in 2014, two pages in chapter 9, “Dungeon Master’s Workshop,” attracted a lot of attention.
A few months ago, Daniel Helmick described his adaptation for d20 Modern in a Behind the Screens article. He expanded on the rules for using firearms and explosives in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Now, what if we extended the D&D rules to cover a campaign not only touched by, but actually set in a modern era? The newest iteration of D&D features various archetypes, traditions, domains, and other options for the base classes, all of which present opportunities for customization. With that in mind, this article presents new rules for expanding the repertoire of spellcasting characters in a modern setting.
You can think of the material presented in this series as similar to the first wave of the fifth edition playtest. These game mechanics are in draft form, usable in your campaign but not fully tempered by playtests and design iterations. They are highly volatile and might be unstable; if you use them, be ready to rule on any issues that come up. They’re written in pencil, not ink. For these reasons, material in this column is not legal in D&D Organized Play events.
The material presented in Unearthed Arcana will range from mechanics that we expect one day to publish in a supplement to house rules from our home campaigns that we want to share, from core system options to setting-specific material. Once it’s out there, you can expect us to check in with you to see how it’s working out and what we can do to improve it.
Download the custom rules here:UA Modern Magic
Daniel Helmick is a former employee of Wizards of the Coast’s D&D Insider and D&D Research and Development studios.You can follow him on Twitter, where his handle is @JabJabSliceJab
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