Greyhawk Shrines – III
Third and final trip into the shrines of deities from the Greyhawk pantheon.
These shrines are designed to be slotted into a region and visited during a game as a side trek or as part of a larger issue. They should fit into Greyhawk games regardless of time period.
Deity : Olidammara (Revelry, Rogues, Trickery)
Altar Description : Three foot emerald carving of a Satyr playing a harp. You can hear music which grows louder the longer you stay here.
Suggested Locations : Gnarley Forest (west) or Hollow Highlands (east).
Geographic Challenges : Brambles are everywhere, but seem to retreat at night.
Inhabited By : Gnome Bards. Party all night, sleep all day.
Activities : Maintain and promote the Bard Guild.
Watched By : Ehlonna Rangers-Allies. Day time guardians of their friends the Gnomes.
Pay respect to the shrine : Devotee enjoys controllable form of Lycanthropy-Werebear.
Blaspheme the shrine : Deafened for D8 days if they fail a DC 16 Constitution/Fortitude save.
Nearby Quest using From The Ashes boxed set : Tamara belongs to me (any)
Notable aware of the shrine – Lady Rhalta of all elvenkind.
Deity : Wee Jas (Death, Law, Magic)
Altar Description : Opal carved in the shape of a human skull, with five magical symbols etched into the forehead.
Suggested Locations : Mounds of Dawn (north west) or Rieuwood (south east).
Portals linked to : Hades, Mechanus, Elemental Planes of Fire and Earth.
Geographic Challenges : Entrance is invisible-Rope trick.
Inhabited By : Human Clerics/Sorcerers. Interested in anything magical including lore and potential quest sites.
Activities : Maintain an Arcane guild.
Watched By : Dopplegangers. These critters escaped the portals long ago and seek to return.
Pay respect to the shrine : Vision of powerful items location.
Blaspheme the shrine : Drained of all spell slots if you fail a DC 16 Will/Wisdom save.
Nearby Quest using Greyhawk City boxed set : Swamp Hag or Sunken Temple.
Notable aware of the shrine – Alhamazad the Wise of Zeif, Circle of Eight.
Deity : Incabulos (Plagues, Nightmares, Disasters)
Altar Description : Purple vines weaved into the shape of a centaur, but the top-front half is a hag. The vines have the scent of dank water.
Suggested Locations : Dreadwood (west) or Gull Cliffs (east).
Geographic Challenges : Travellers must fall asleep to enter.
Inhabited By : Elven Clerics. They are filled with visions of the end times/apocalypse.
Activities : Spread rumours, sacrifice people to appease Incabulous.
Watched By : Xan Yae Monks. Scholars who are curious about where the Cults mindset will take them.
Pay respect to the shrine : Immediately learn one of your enemies’ fears.
Blaspheme the shrine : Plagued by nightmares for 9 days, DC 14 Fortitude/Constitution save to rest.
Nearby Quest using From The Ashes boxed set : Slavers by Midnight (3rd)
Notable aware of the shrine – Jaran Krimeeah, Valley of the Mage.
Title artwork is from dungeon magazine, Throne of the Abyss adventure for Greyhawk, available at