Dissident Whispers
There are a lot of great charitable fundraising projects going on right now, and I’m going to tell you about one of them. Dissident Whispers (also here) is a collection of more than 50 one-page adventures, usable in a wide variety of tabletop game systems.
From the press release:
“Dissident Whispers is a project organized by over 80 individuals from over 10 countries, the project came together in 2020 with the aim of trying to help the BLM bail funds using our strongest skills.”
The PDF will be available through DriveThruRPG, itch.io, and other stores. Early revenue supports bail funds for Black Lives Matter protesters in the US, while later earnings will support other charities and funds.
For more on this, including updates and ways to contribute, follow @DissidentRPG on Twitter, or contact them through Twitter to join their Discord server.