2022 ENNIE Award Nominees Announced

Yesterday the ENNIE Award nominees were announced. This year we are again seeing less of the dominating forces like Wizards of the Coast and Paizo in past years (they may not have submitted?).
From a cursory overview, I see familiar names like Kobold Press, Evil Hat, Hit-Point, Renegade, and Mōdiphiüs, but I also a lot of new players in the market. I think this is a good thing to expand the scope of the hobby and allow light to be shined toward up-and-coming creators. It is a good idea and has good intentions, but there will always be problems with Fan based awards. I am not a fan of them, because the louder voice wins instead of the “Best” product that may be overlooked entirely. Talent and popularity are two different animals. So instead of “Best”, we need to say “Most Popular” from these submissions that were sent for ENNIE Award consideration. Which in turn were then filtered by Judges, and became Judge’s nominations for the popularity contest.
I think the judges just need to decide on nominees and then determine the winner based on merits. The ENNIE Judges were chosen to be judges because they’re considered the best experts in the Table Top Roleplaying world right? I think? Or was it a popularity contest too?
Anyhoot, here are those nominations:
Judges’ Spotlight Winners
Amelia Antrim– Dwelling, Good Luck Press Author: Seb Pines
Di – Stack of Goblins, CobblePath Games Author: Jack Milton
Christopher Gath – Shanty Hunters, Molten Sulfur Press Author: Tristan Zimmerman
Salim Hakima – Kobold Guide to Monsters, Kobold Press Authors: Monte Cook, Wolfgang Baur, Mike Mason, Crystal Frasier, Mike Shea, Shanna Germain, Steve Winter, and many more
Shiny O’Brien – Wickedness, Possum Creek Games Author: M Veselak
Best Adventure
Extraction From Demon-Fucked Cleveland 1996, MegaCorp Games Author: Logan Dean
HARK! Says the Frog Magus Author: Diwata ng Manila
Odd Jobs, MacGuffin & Co. Authors: Sasha Sienna & Johathan Sims
The Troubleshooters – The U-Boat Mystery, Helmgast Author: Krister Sundelin
Uncaged: Goddesses, Unseelie Studios Authors: Amber Litke, Anthony Beal, Arnout Brokking, Cat Evans, D.E. Chaudron, Dylan Ramsey, Garrett Colón, Grady Wang, Isla Lader, Jackie Yang, Jesse Heinig, Jessica Marcrum, Karren Loomer, Laurie O’Connel, Lee Morgan, Margaret Mae, Matthew Campbell, Michael Reid, Nina Nicole, Sadie Lowry, Steffie de Vaan, Theo Thourson
Best Aid/Accessory – Digital
Call of Cthulhu 3D Digital Gamer Props – Masks of Nyarlathotep, TYPE40
HEXROLL, Pen, Dice & Paper
MÖRK BORG Digital Monster Generator, Stockholm Kartell & Ockult Örtmästare Games
Tales of Xadia: The Dragon Prince Roleplaying Game Digital Toolset, Fandom, Inc.
The Goblin’s Notebook, The Goblin
Best Aid/Accessory – Non–Digital
Call of Cthulhu Classic Prop Set, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
City of Mist: Crime Board Map, Son of Oak Game Studio
Fate Accessibility Toolkit, Evil Hat Productions
The Metropolis: Core Set, Paper Realms
Tome of Summoning: Archmage Royal Bundle , Tome of Summoning, LLC
Best Art, Cover
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell Artist: Nich Angell
Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid, Alchemy RPG & Hit Point Press Artist: Jeff Langevin
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Evil Hat Productions Artist: Kanesha C. Bryant
Uncaged: Goddesses, Unseelie Studios Artist: Gwen Bassett
Wanderhome, Possum Creek Games Artist: Ruby Lavin and Sylvia Bi
Best Art, Interior
Historia – Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e, Mana Project Studio Artists: Alberto Besi, Andrea Tentori Montalto, Angelo Peluso, Antonio De Luca, Daniela Giubellini, Daniele Solimene, Domenico Cava, Edoardo Campagnolo, Fabio Porfidia, Federica Costantini, Giulio Perozziello, Imma Botti, Mauro
The One Ring RPG, Second Edition, Free League Publishing Artists: Martin Grip, Alvaro Tapia, Jan Pospíšil, Niklas Brandt, Henrik Rosenborg, Antonio De Luca, Federica Costantini, Luca Sotgiu, Daniele Sorrentino, Melissa Spandri, Giuditta Betti
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Evil Hat Productions Artists: Kanesha C. Bryant, Hannah Templer, Avery Andruszkiewicz, Chelsea Geter, Faith Schaffer, Kiku Hughes, Marty Tina G., Naomi Castro, Ryan Kingdom, Trivia Fox
Uncaged: Goddesses, Unseelie Studios Artists: Alaire Racicot, Alex Niederberger, Amelia Ng, Angela O’Hara, Beatriz F. Valverde, Cecilia Nesti, David Markiwsky, DW Dagon, Elaine Ho, Fernando Salvaterra, Flo Young, Gretchen Meinzen, Gwen Bassett, H. “Ink” Kugler, Herman Lau, Jeong Kim, Kari Kawachi, Kata Kemi, Kendal Gates, Lore Evans, Maartje Heere, Margarita Bourkova, Mike Pape, Mina Dupont-Issalys, Morrighan Corbel, Nala J. Wu, Reid Aster, Sabaa Bismil, Saga Mackenzie, Samara Lee, Sejuti Bala, Sonya Henar, William Hallett
Wanderhome, Possum Creek Games Artist: Ruby Lavin, Letty Wilson, Jennie Lindberg, Conner Fawcett, Danny Kyobe, Jo Thierolf, L Henderson, Dominique Ramsey, Nadhir Nor, Geneva Bowers, Cam Adjodha, Juho Choi, Núria Tamarit, Kimberli Johnson, and Sabii Borno
Best Cartography
City of Mist: Crime Board Map, Son of Oak Game Studio Steffen Brand
Czepeku Maps Collection, Czepeku Ltd Cze and Peku
HandyMaps: Dungeons, Caves & Strange Locales, MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing Glynn Seal
KULT: Labyrinths & Secret Chambers, Helmgast Andreas Ruu Viklund, Fredik Toreblad, Roplans, Petter Nallo, Anita Siastra
Scarlet Citadel Map Folio, Kobold Press Jon Pintar
Best Electronic Book
A Complicated Profession, AlwaysCheckers Publishing Author: Jason Price
Anamnesis with Designers Commentary, Blinking Birch Games Author: Samantha Leigh
One Night Strahd, Hedra Group Authors: Jake Kurzer, Adam Seats, Evangeline Gallagher
The Lazy DM’s Companion, Sly Flourish Author: Michael E. Shea
The Tomb of Black Sand VTT Digital Deluxe, Swordfish Islands, LLC Authors: Jacob Hurst, Donnie Garcia
Best Family Game / Product
Babes in the Wood, World Champ Game Co Author: Adam Vass
Good Strong Hands, NerdBurger Games Author: Craig Campbell
Laser Ponies (2nd Edition), Hex Games Author: Leighton Connor
Questlings: RPG, Letiman Games, LLC Authors: Banana Chan, Tim Devine
Wanderhome, Possum Creek Games Author: Jay Dragon
Best Free Game / Product
Auld Sanguine: A Vampire: The Masquerade New Year’s Eve Story, Renegade Game Studios Author: Eddy Webb
Champions Begins, Hero Games Author: The Hero Fan Base
Extraction From Demon-Fucked Cleveland 1996 MegaCorp Games Author: Logan Dean
The 2021 Level 1 Anthology, 9th Level Games Authors: Adam Bell, Whitney Delaglio, Michael Faulk, Zane Graves, Josh Hittie, Tim Hutchings, N. Maxwell Lander, Mara Li, Tim McCracken, Nat Mesnard, Dawn Metcalf, RK Payne, Lysa Penrose, Helena Real, Jack Rosetree, Starshine Scribbles, Joel Salda, Alexi Sargeant, Scott Uhls, and Max V.
Worlds Beyond The Infernal Breach, Mundos Infinitos Author: Benjamín Aníbal Reyna
Best Game
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell Author: Nich Angell
Root: The RPG, Magpie Games Authors: Brendan Conway, Mark Diaz Truman, Sarah Doom, Marissa Kelly, Miguel Ángel Espinoza
The Troubleshooters, Helmgast Author: Krister Sundelin
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Evil Hat Productions Author: April Kit Walsh
Wise Women, Aleksandra Brokman Author: Aleksandra Brokman
Best Layout and Design
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Gamemaster’s Guide, Mōdiphiüs Entertainment
Delta Green: Impossible Landscapes, Arc Dream Publishing Dennis Detwiller, Stephen Buck, Shane Ivey
NOVA, Gila RPGs Julie-Anne Muñoz & Spencer Campbell
Putrescence Regnant, Exalted Funeral Press
Voidheart Symphony, Rowan, Rook and Decard Minerva McJanda
Best Monster/Adversary
Archvillain Archive, Steven Pankotai Authors: Hiten Dave, Noah Grand, Brittney Hay, Bryan Holmes, E.R.F. Jordan, Alexis Lewis, Cassandra MacDonald, Steven Pankotai, Vall Syrene, Anne Gregersen
Big Bad Booklet 19-30, Hit Point Press Authors: Bailey Wright, Verity Lane, Serena Langton, Jamila R. Nedjadi, Celeste Conowitch, Beth Ball, Lulu St James, Jasmine Bhullar, Jessica Marcrum, Kat Kruger, Jason Levine, Yubi Coates
Hal and Roger’s Creature Compendium, The Grinning Frog Author: Stephen Hart
Home-Field Advantage: a Compendium of Lair Actions Authors: Trekiros, Sean Vas Terra, Taron Pounds, Boyan Valev, Kirsty Kidd, Xhango Games, Zavier Bates, Devlin DM, Joe Gaylord
Nightfell – Bestiary for 5e, Mana Project Studio Authors: Angelo Peluso, Andrea Lucca, Marco Giulio Fossati
Best Online Content
Across RPGSEA, momatoes
Dave Thaumavore RPG Reviews, Dave Thaumavore
Everhearth Inn, Everhearth Inn
Sly Flourish Blog, Sly Flourish
Best Organized Play
Beneath a Stony Stump Author: Douglas Bushong
I Find That Familiar Author: Paul Gabat
Play the GameAuthor: Robbie Pleasant
The Monster of Wonderia, Anthony Dreams Inc. Author: Anthony Joyce
Two Hearts Apart Author: Shu Qing Tan
Best Podcast
+1 Forward Gauntlet Community
Ain’t Slayed Nobody Push the Roll LLC
Kill Every Monster
Pink Fohawk
Role To Cast
Best Production Values
Bardsung: Legend of the Ancient Forge, Steamforged Games
Call of Cthulhu Classic Prop Set, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
Complete Wizard Chronicle, Beadle and Grimm’s Pandemonium Warehouse
Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, Wet Ink Games
Star Trek Adventures: Tricorder Collector’s Box Set, Mōdiphiüs Entertainment
Best RPG-Related Product
Dice Carousel Kit, Gamer Concepts
Everway Silver Anniversary Edition – Deluxe Fortune Deck, The Everway Company
KULT: Labyrinths & Secret Chambers, Helmgast Authors: Catherine Evans, Kristina Horner, Andreas Ruu Viklund, Alex Obernigg, Jacqueline Bryk, Fredik Toreblad, Mattias Närvä, Petter Nallo, Terje Nordin
Shadows of Esteren: Adeliane CD, Studio Agate
Things Heroes Say: A Fantasy Artbook & Phrasebook, Andrews McMeel Publishing Author: Bryn Jones
Best Rules
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell Author: Nich Angell
Good Strong Hands, NerdBurger Games Author: Craig Campbell
Haunted West, Darker Hue Studios Authors: Chris Spivey, Angel Adeyoha, Evan Perlman, Daniel Kwan, Alexandra Jackson, Adam Alexander, Alex Mayo, Neall Raemonn Price, Misha Bushyager, Cameron Hays, Rose Bailey, Kenneth Hite, Cori Redford, Mark Morrison, Dennis Detwiller
NOVA, Gila RPGs Author: Spencer Campbell
Rest in Pieces, Imagining Games Author: Pete Petrusha
Best Setting
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell Author: Nich Angell
Eldritch Century – Chronicles of the Wounded Earth, Draco Studios Authors: Ezzy Languzzi, Helen Gould, Lara Paige Turner, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Hiromi Cota, Erykah Fassett, Spider B. Perry, David Castro, Bernardo Alvarez, JC Alvarez, Ruben Bañuelos, Alastor Guzmán, Alvaros Zinos-Amaro, Dan SRT, Angus Abranson, Jerry D. Grayson, Hugo Huesca Thomas
Historia – Dark Fantasy Renaissance Setting for 5e, Mana Project Studio Authors: Mirko Failoni, Michele Paroli, Matteo Pedroni
Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, Wet Ink Games Authors: Banana Chan, Sen-Foong Lim, Elton Lau, James Mendez Hodes, Aaron Catano-Saez, Ross Cheung, Kienna Shaw, Daniel Kwan, Jonaya Kemper, Sammi Lai
Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, Darrington Press Authors: Matthew Mercer, Hannah Rose, Joames J. Haeck
Best Supplement
Call of Cthulhu: Cults of Cthulhu, Chaosium Inc. Authors: Chris Lackey and Mike Mason
City of Mist: Shadows & Showdowns, Son of Oak Game Studio Authors: Amit Moshe, Omer Shapira, Eran Aviram, Itamar Karbian, Jack Godwin, Chris Gunning, Saar Shai, Alicia Zur Szpiro, Marshall Oppel, Marcin Soboń
Root: The RPG: Travelers and Outsiders, Magpie Games Authors: Brendan Conway, Sarah Doom, Marissa Kelly, Danielle Lauzon, Simon Moody, Sarah “Sam” Saltiel, Mark Diaz Truman, Camdon Wright, Miguel Ángel Espinoza
Sin: A Spire Sourcebook, Rowan, Rook and Decard Authors: Grant Howitt, Christopher Taylor, JP Bradley, Basheer Ghouse, N Masyk, Thomas Manuel, Pauline Chan, Helen Gould, Cat Evans, Lio Keahna, Viditya Voleti, Chris Farnell, Christine Beard, Eleanor Hingley, Adrian Stone, Minerva McJanda, Mary Hamilton, Kyle Latino, Alex Darnaceno, Diogo assunção
Untold Encounters of the Random Kind, Loke Battle Mats Authors: Tamzin Henderson, Matt Henderson, James Gray, Andres Roche
Best Writing
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell Author: Nich Angell
Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: Core Rulebook , Mōdiphiüs Entertainment Authors: Richard August, Simon Berman, Banana Chan, Nathan Dowdell, Jason Durall, Khaldoun Khelil, Helena Nash, Andrew Peregrine, Hilary Sklar, Chris Spivey, Mari Tokuda, Rachel J Wilkinson, Ben Woerner
Fateforge: Tetralogy Box Set 5e, Studio Agate
KULT: Beyond Darkness and Madness, Helmgast Author: Jason Fryer, Jacqueline Bryk, Alex Obernigg, and Petter Nallo
Rosenstrasse, A Story of Love and Survival, Unruly Designs Author: Moyra Turkington, Jessica Hammer
Product of the Year
Call of Cthulhu Classic Prop Set, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
Colostle: A Solo RPG Adventure, Nich Angell
Dune – Adventures in the Imperium: Core Rulebook Atreides Collector’s Edition , Mōdiphiüs Entertainment
Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall, Wet Ink Games
Odd Jobs, MacGuffin & Co.
Putrescence Regnant, Exalted Funeral Press
Root: The RPG, Magpie Games
The Troubleshooters, Helmgast
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Evil Hat Productions
Uncaged: Goddesses, Unseelie Studios
The ENNIE Awards (the “ENNIES”) are an annual fan-based celebration of excellence in tabletop roleplaying gaming. The ENNIES give game designers, writers and artists the recognition they deserve. It is a peoples’ choice award, and the final winners are voted upon online by the gaming public.
The ENNIES were created in 2001 as an annual award ceremony, hosted by the leading D&D/d20 system fan site, EN World in partnership with Eric Noah’s Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. The awards were owned by Russ Morrissey until 2019. As the awards have grown, the ENNIES have expanded from an Internet-based awards selection to an annual award ceremony at Gen Con. The ENNIES have also branched out from their roots as an award ceremony focused upon d20 system publishers and products to celebrate the achievements of all tabletop RPGs and the publishers and products that support them.
With award categories recognizing the components that make a game great to the types of products fans have come to love, categories for fan-based websites and much more, the ENNIES are the best way for fans to acknowledge outstanding effort from and to say “thank you” to the creators, publishers, designers and artists who make this hobby great.