

BackgroundsD&D 5e

Tribality Publishing – Level Up Your Background

Your Background Is More Than Who You Were We have a new publication on the DM’s Guild, as of last Friday. This is Tribality Publishing’s third DM’s Guild product. Level Up Your Background is written by Brandes Stoddard, with editing ...
BackgroundsHomebrewPlanar Mysteries

Advanced Character Backgrounds

Not all games start at level one. When this happens, the characters are leveled, and maybe, if the GM/ DM is lucky the player might add a sentence or two more to the background to flesh it out more. Unfortunately, ...
BackgroundsPlanar Mysteries

Expanding the Trinkets table

The trinkets table is used by a variety of backgrounds to give characters something interesting to have in their possession, but at 100… or even 500 more, sometimes you want something unique that doesn’t quite fit. Why not look to ...
BackgroundsD&D 5e

The Dungeoneer Background (D&D 5e) Available on DMsGuild

Tribality Publishing’s latest release, The Dungeoneer Background, is now available on DMsGuild. A background for Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Yawning Portal, and other dungeon-heavy campaigns. The Dungeoneer background is designed for anyone who is creating a Player Character (PC) ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Urchin Background

The Urchin 5e background offers a potential rags-to-riches story and any class can benefit from its skill proficiencies. It also comes with its own adventure hook: how did you get enough money to live modesty for ten days? Was it ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Soldier Background

The soldier background in 5e offers a great opportunity to do some collaborative worldbuilding with your DM. After all, what is a soldier without an army? Here are some starting questions to help you build the organization before diving into ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Sailor Background

Hellooooo, sailor (background)!  The sailor background for 5e is a fun option, offering two useful skills and a great feature to find safe passage on a ship whenever needed. Your mileage may vary based on your campaign setting, but if ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Sage Background

The Sage background in 5e is one of my favorites. It gives you access to a couple of knowledge skills and some extra languages, but what makes the sage background so exciting is the Researcher feature. You basically know where ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Outlander Background

The outlander background in 5e fills the role of the person who lived outside of civilization, who have been to the very extremes of the world and seen wonders that no city dweller could dream of. This archetype has room ...
BackgroundsColumnsD&D 5ePlayer Resources

Exploring the Noble Background

In a standard Dungeons and Dragons world, society is stratified by class that is largely determined by blood. In medieval Europe, the nobility was a very tiny portion of the population, and they generally owned the lands that were worked ...