Survivalist Gaming: Dungeons as Fantasy Fallout Shelters
There are as many kinds of dungeons as there are monsters: living dungeons, conquered dungeons, ruined places, and many more. But dungeons work best when they have a plausible reason for their existence. If it has living inhabitants, there needs ...
System Agnostic: Grokking Orcs
Hi, I’m John and I write as J.M. Perkins. Every Tuesday in my column ‘System Agnostic’ I’ll be bringing you a setting, game concept, or toy you can play with no matter what game system you prefer. My first post ...
Using Feats in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
Do you allow feats in your campaigns? When creating a character in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition you have the option of taking Feats instead of taking an ability score increase at level 4, 8, 12, 16, 19. There is also ...
5e Aquatic Elf / Sea Elf
I tweaked the Aquatic Elf subrace for D&D 5th edition based on some old builds I found for previous rules such as Pathfinder. I needed a 5e Sea Elf for my swashbuckling campaign (Seas of Vodari) I am developing for ...