
Tag: conlang


How to Make a Basic Conlang Part 4: Lexicon

In our final article on how to create a basic constructed language, we’ll look at some ways to ...

How to Make A Basic Conlang, Part 3: Verbs

In the previous articles, we looked at how to create phonology for our language and we began creating ...

How to Make A Basic Conlang, Part 2: Nouns

Last week, we tackled the first step in creating a constructed language: choosing the sounds. It was also ...

How to Make A Basic Conlang, Part 1: Sounds

Creating a conlang, aka constructed language, for your Dungeons & Dragons world can be summarized into three basic ...

How to Incorporate Conlangs into your Campaign

Using a conlang, also known as a constructed language, can add a lot of exciting depth and verisimilitude ...