System Agnostic: Creating a World from Random Races [Rescentia Part ...
Note: This is the second post about Rescentia, a world I designed with the challenge of using random races. You can read part 1 here. TLDR version is start with a standardish D&D world except orcs manage to kill most everybody. Fanatical ...
System Agnostic: The City of Salt in Wounds [Part 2]
New Website for Salt in Wounds! The Order of God Butchers Amidst the city, the god butchers are hard to miss. Hugely muscled men and women, grown strong from a working life of toil and a diet of some ...
System Agnostic: Creating a World From Random Races [Rescentia Part ...
Over at the pathfinder_rpg subreddit, user ‘TheMightyBarbarian’ issued a challenge to create a world with nonstandard fantasy races. Specifically, the requirements were that ‘1 Core Race (Humans, Halflings, Elves, etc) 3 Featured (things like Half Elementals, Half Angels, Drow, Catfolk) ...
System Agnostic: The City of Salt in Wounds
New Website for Salt in Wounds! Back in 2004 on the D&Dish forums, Thomas T. suggested the idea of a city built around the D&D monster the Tarrasque – which, for those not in the know- is an unkillable ...
System Agnostic: Tropes, and Monsters Playing With Type
The response for one of my previous articles Grokking Orcs was overwhelming and overwhelmingly positive, thank you! Some people brought up some very good critiques + suggestions, and by far the most consistent one was that the setup I was ...
System Agnostic: The Home of the One Hundred Saved (Shelter ...
Yesterday, in my column Survivalist Gaming I discussed the concept of treating dungeons as the fantasy equivalent of fallout shelters (aka shelter dungeons). Today, I want to actually outline a dungeon concept predicated on this concept including its history, monstrous ...
5 Ways to Scratch the Gaming Itch When You Don’t ...
We’ve all been there; real life intrudes in our role-playing and we simply don’t have time to game like we used to. I know that my daughter definitely scored a critical hit against my game time and I’ve been scrambling to ...
System Agnostic: Grokking Orcs
Hi, I’m John and I write as J.M. Perkins. Every Tuesday in my column ‘System Agnostic’ I’ll be bringing you a setting, game concept, or toy you can play with no matter what game system you prefer. My first post ...