Running Tomb of Annihilation in Eberron’s Xen’drik
I reviewed Tomb of Annihilation earlier this month and even before I read the book I wanted to run this adventure in Eberron. When Princes of the Apocalypse was released back in 2015, it contained an Appendix C: Adapting to ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part Three
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part Two
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Mourning Glory: The Annotated History of Brand Talandro, Part One
I interviewed I-Hsien and Shane from Total Party Thrill over a year ago and have been listening to the podcast since early 2016. I-Hsien reached out to me last week about teaming up with Tribality to help celebrate their 100th ...
Unearthed Arcana: Artificer & Paladin Survey
This week we get a whole class, the Artificer, before they return to looking at subclasses/archetypes. The artificer was last seen back in February 2015 in the first entry for D&D 5e, titled Unearthed Arcana: Eberron. I’ve had some good ...
Tribality Talks Steampunkery on Dungeon Master Block Podcast
Episode 55 of the Dungeon Master Block podcast is out. DM Mitch and DM Chris of the Dungeon Master Block talk with Tribality’s own Shawn Ellsworth about about how to bring the genre of Steampunk into your rpgs!
D&D Upcoming Storyline Predictions – Revised
Way back in November 2014, I made some predictions on upcoming storylines between now and 2018. I predicted that they would do an Underdark storyline… but I was way off thinking it would come out in 2018. As we have ...
D&D March Survey Results & Another Survey
“Another month brings another D&D feedback survey.” Wizards of the Coast has provided the results of the March survey and continues to ask for feedback on this edition with another feedback survey. I just completed this survey which asked questions ...
Keith Baker Talks Phoenix: Dawn Command, Eberron and More
We had a chance to pull Keith Baker of Twogether Studios away from his work to ask some questions about Phoenix: Dawn Command (which we covered in a previous story), gaming, Eberron and his hat. Phoenix is “a game where ...
New Options for Githyanki and Githzerai PCs
My previous article on githanki and githzerai PCs generated a lot of conversation about the history of these races across more than 30 years of D&D, including discussions about the kind of options people would like to see converted to the ...