Campaign TrailClassesD&D 5e

Maverick – Roguish Archetype for D&D 5e

This week on the Campaign Trail, I’m sharing a new roguish archetype that I created for a weird west/fantasy mix campaign I am planning to run later this year. Rogues use skill, stealth, and precision over brute force to overcome most challenges. Their focus on being cunning and nimble is well suited to surviving the dangers found out on the frontier.

Design Notes:

  • I thought it would be interesting to create a weird west character who relies on supernatural luck for success.
  • I wanted to provide access to this luck via a rogue subclass that didn’t step on luck provided through halfling traits (Lucky) and the Lucky feat. One of both of these would only make a Maverick more lucky.
  • I also wanted it to work with features such as Uncanny Dodge and Evasion and avoid stepping on the level 20 Stroke of Luck feature.

Let us know in the comments below what you think of this new option for monks. Detailed feedback is appreciated.

Mixology (Bard) | Wrangler (Fighter) | Pugilist (Monk) | Maverick (Rogue) | Cardslinger (Sorcerer)

At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature. Here is a new option for that feature: the Maverick.


As a Maverick, you’ve always had an unorthodox approach to solving problems and overcoming obstacles. You prefer to live life on the edge by taking big risks and breaking the rules – whether that’s at the gaming table or in life. You have more luck and talent than most and usually end up on the winning end. You know that your luck will have to run out eventually, but that won’t stop you from taking the risks needed to score a jackpot.

Maverick Features

Rogue Level Feature
3rd Gambler, Lucky Break
9th Poker Face
13th Ace in the Hole
17th Jackpot

Maverick Origin

Most gamblers are superstitious and believe their luck is more than just chance. A Maverick knows their incredible luck is supernatural and can point to a specific origin for its existence. How did your Maverick find their luck?


d8 Origin
1 I found a trinket and my luck hasn’t run out since.
2 I cheated to win a game of chance, stealing my opponent’s luck.
3 I decided to let fate decide all important decisions using the result of a die roll, coin flip, or card turn.
4 I was given a lucky coin from a mysterious stranger at a crossroads.
5 I didn’t take an easy bet that I would have won. I vowed to never pass on another bet.
6 I’m the lucky one who survived, even if I’m living on borrowed time.
7 I dreamed about a number such as seven. When I awoke, the number was tattooed on my body.
8 My lucky streak began when I started to faithfully perform a ritual such as knocking on wood, blowing on dice, eating a specific food, or crossing your fingers.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with all gaming sets. You also choose one type of gaming set for which your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that set.

Lucky Break

Starting at 3rd level, you have become adept at quickly turning failure into success. When you roll an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw that misses or fails, you have advantage on an attack roll made before the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


By 9th level, you have become a master of concealing your intentions and reading the tells of others. If you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside of combat, you gain the following for 1 hour:

  • The creature makes Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Insight) checks that target you with disadvantage.
  • You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Insight) checks that target the creature.
  • You notice if the creature attempts to cheat in a game of chance via any method.
  • At the GM’s option, you might also discern that the creature is concealing a weapon, valuable, or other important object.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


By 13th level, you have found a way to channel your luck when you need it most. When you use your Uncanny Dodge or Evasion features, you can choose to have advantage on an ability check or saving throw for 10 minutes.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


Beginning at 17th level, you have become skilled at choosing the right time to take a calculated risk for a chance at a big payout. When you make an attack roll against a target, you can choose to roll a d6 and add the result to the roll. If the result of the d6 roll is a 1, you miss the attack, regardless of the actual result of the attack roll. If the attack hits and you roll Sneak Attack damage, roll a number of extra Sneak Attack dice equal to the d6 roll.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


Artwork Credits: Mariam Trejo


We’re always looking for playtesters for our player options, monsters, magic items, and other designs here at Tribality. Wizards had the benefit of 175,000 playtesters over 2 years to get their ideas to the table; clearly we don’t have that luxury. Each of our builds are as balanced as we can design with a small playtest group and over a century of cumulative gaming XP. We are always excited to hear when players get these ideas on the table and provide us with constructive ways to make them better.