Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous PCs
Either as a player or a DM, have you ever reached the point where the party’s money was going out of control? I know that some DMs are very strict with their treasure and can be stingy with their coin, ...
Putting The Fun in Funeral – 8 Weird Ways To ...
Death in D&D can range from the mundane to the downright strange. Maybe your character goes down to something as simple as a club to the head or maybe they get a sword in the guts. Or maybe they breathe ...
5 Things The Legend of Zelda Taught Me About D&D
I can recall getting my hands on The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System within a few months of its North American release in 1987. For the record, I was 8 years old. That shiny gold casing was ...
7 Legendary Items of the Real World
In roleplaying, we often spend a lot of time talking about or going after legendary items. This is also true of fantasy (the one ring), science fiction (kyber crystals), comics (the infinity gauntlet), and anime (the dragon balls). Characters often ...
5 Star Trek TNG Episodes for D&D Conversion
Fantasy and Science Fiction will always be different sides of the same coin. They are like twin siblings, different yet the same. They often share similar morals, heroic characters, exotic locations, non-human races, terrifying monsters, and indulge in activities that ...
That’s Good Eatin’ – A D&D Meal Guide
In almost any D&D or fantasy campaign, the roleplaying will eventually come around to the topic of food. Characters must eat and taverns and inns have to make a living. It’s also not surprising that players want to have conversations ...
The Mini-Game Within The Game
As a player or as a DM, I’m sure that you’ve encountered a time when you needed to step out of character a bit and play a mini game. What do I mean by this? Well the classic examples are ...
The Top 5 Most Inspiring Female Fantasy Characters
Let’s face it, when it comes to females and fantasy, things have been quite skewed for a very long time. In the beginning, they were damsels in distress needing strong, valiant men to swoop in and deliver them from evil. ...
5 Mind Blowing Movie Twists for D&D
When it comes to D&D campaigns, I love a great twist. I enjoy unfolding a mystery or a riddle slowly over the course of several sessions. And the moment when the players (or a player) figure(s) out where I’m leading ...
The Last-Minute Dungeon Designing Guide
So, it happens all the time. Maybe the players decide to go on an unexpected tangent; or maybe they stumble upon an old map to an unknown location; or maybe, as the DM, you decide to do something unexpected either ...