
Tag: rpg

Character BuildsClassesD&D 5eStar WarsThoughts & Things

Star Wars Jedi – D&D 5e Build

So I started making this Star Wars Jedi build with my son. He is a Dungeons & Dragons ...
Thoughts & Things

Dungeons & Dragons Dominates?

Roll20 recently did a survey of over 600,000 users, and found out a lot of interesting statistical data ...
D&D 5eThoughts & Things

D&D 5e Aerial Combat

So you’re flying that cool Pegasus that just appeared earlier in the forest and it let you ride ...
Thoughts & Things

D&D 5e Apprentice Character Update

So, I’ve been play testing and starting off each new player with an Apprentice (level 0) character. Everyone ...
Thoughts & Things

D&D 5e Psionics

Okay, so after working with Star Frontiers using D&D 5th edition rules,  I just realized that I needed ...
D&D 5eStar FrontiersThoughts & Things

Star Frontiers / D&D 5e Conversion Part 2

So here is the continuation of my Star Frontiers conversion using Dungeons & Dragons Fifth edition core rules.  ...
D&D 5eD&D Adventurers LeagueNews

D&D Adventurers League – October Update

Just received the Adventurers League update for October 3rd, 2014 with news on DungeonScape, Expeditions Errata, & DCI Numbers.
D&D 5eMonsters & NPCsThoughts & Things


So I’ve been thinking of Minions.  Minions surrounding the players and being hacked to pieces (the minions hopefully), ...
D&D 5eNews

Dungeonscape Update: Android Beta invites sent & More

On the DungeonScape Blog Thursday Questions & Answers.  This week’s big news is the launch of the Android beta test!