Deities of the Nentir Vale (4e) for D&D 5th Edition
The Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player’s Handbook includes the awesome Appendix B that provides deities for running your game in the multiverse worlds of the Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Dragonlance and Eberron. It also provides the Celtic, Greek, Egyptian and ...
Run a Nentir Vale Campaign for D&D 5th Edition
Earlier this week, I was surprised to see the Nentir Vale on the list of settings in the latest D&D poll alongside Greyhawk, Eberron and other big settings. Seeing Nentir Vale on the poll gave me hope D&D’s 4th default ...
The Warlock Class, Part Two
Last time in History of the Classes, I looked at the 3.5 Warlock and Binder classes, as two different approaches to a practice of creepy, forbidden, occult power. Both classes allow and encourage the character to surprise foes with unusual ...
The Sha’ir Class, Part Two
I was overturned last week on my plan not to write a second post about the Sha’ir. I could have resisted writing about the 3.5 Sha’ir, by Dean Poisso in Dragon Magazine Issue 315; the 4e Sha’ir from Heroes of ...
5 History Changing Events for Your D&D Campaign
Every so often an event occurs that is so huge, so fundamentally game changing, that the path of humanity is altered forever. In modern times, I would argue that the invention of the atom bomb, the First and Second World ...
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5 Ways To Be A Better Roleplayer
Fundamentally, I look at D&D campaigns as stories. Each adventure or event is a chapter and the campaign as a whole is a novel. It should have set-up, background, main characters, side characters, plots, sub-plots, victories, losses, triumph, and heartbreak. ...
Monkey See, Monkey Shift: Edition-Agnostic Options for Shapechanging and Summoning
Wizards are often referred to as the Swiss Army knives of spellcasters, having access to a wide variety of high damage and utility spells useful for any occasion. But do they really? Wizards (or Magic-Users, if you prefer) are still ...
A Roleplayer’s Guide To Awkward Moments
If you spend enough time roleplaying, either as a player or as a DM, you will eventually encounter a situation that is supremely awkward or makes you feel uncomfortable. It is almost inevitable given enough experience. After all, many roleplaying ...
Should Roleplaying Be Taught in Schools?
Do you think that the education system would benefit from roleplaying being taught to junior high and high school students? This week I want to explore the potential benefits that roleplaying can bestow upon all of us as well as ...
6 Ways to Improve Your Combats
Running a good combat situation involves many things like finding a good match between the characters’ skill level and the foes’ abilities, keeping the action fast-paced, and trying to find that sweet spot where the characters feel challenged but not ...