GM Tips & Tricks

Tips and tricks to improve your game or at least give you some new cool ideas.

ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

Level Design tips to improve your games!

Thumbnail image from Nienke Zijlstra In case you didn’t know, I am very fond of videogame design and development. I’ve read and studied many things about it, and found out that most of the things you apply to them can ...
D&D 5eGM Tips & Tricks

Help your players create the best character for them

Thumbnail image from Netflix’s The Witcher series Do you run D&D for players that have already played one or more times? Are they more of a min-maxer kind and look more on creating a powerful character than in their dreamed ...
ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

How to create tension in your game

Thumbnail art by Eric Persson It’s been a long while since I did one of these articles on how to be better at a certain aspect of DMing. After mastering some horror games, watching some movies of the same kind, ...
D&D 5eGM ResourcesGM Tips & Tricks

Faction ranks benefits for your players

With all these holiday dates my schedule has tumbled quite a bit. However, here I’ve come again after some great family time while watching the fireworks to bring you new articles. Today, I wanted to continue a bit the article ...
ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

Worldbuilding: Create a festivity for your city/town

Thumbnail Art by Andreas Rocha We are getting close to New Year’s Eve and you are looking forward to creating some festivity in your game in which the townspeople can also have their own New Year’s celebration. You want it ...
ColumnsD&D 5eGM Tips & Tricks

A guide to Hexcrawling, Part 2: New Hexcrawling mechanic

Thumbnail art was created by WotC, modified by user windup on Reddit to not contain Spoilers for players [Entering the link may contain spoilers] All right! I’ve been doing some research, done some math, and am eager to show you ...
ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

Game prep improvisational tips

You prepared an entire dungeon full of enemies for your players to traverse. They managed to kill all the kobolds except from one, who they plan to interrogate. First question: “What’s your name?”. Now Random Kobold #12 needs a quick ...
ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

Create tense/horror scenes in your game

Thumbnail art by Anton Fadeev The nobleman you believe to be the head of a cult just left the house, his majordomo went to the room upstairs, and your infiltration as a guard was a complete success. What’s your next ...
ColumnsGM Tips & Tricks

How to handle Downtime Investigation

Thumbnail art by Kemal Gunel I’ve been running with some trouble in the past on how to run a fun downtime session (or at least part of a session). This made me reevaluate how to run them. I looked in ...
D&D 5eGM Tips & Tricks

Five MORE Commonly Confused Rules in D&D 5e

Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition has a lot of rules. Thankfully, you don’t need to know all of them before you start playing. It is a rare DM or player that reads the Player’s Handbook and the Dungeon Master’s Guide ...