
Tag: combat

Role Initiative

7 Legendary Items of the Real World

In roleplaying, we often spend a lot of time talking about or going after legendary items. This is ...
D&D 5eGM ResourcesTribal Knowledge

Tribal Knowledge: Sculpting a Boss Fight

I’m taking a week off from the history of the Ranger class to talk about encounter design, an ...
Role Initiative

5 Mind Blowing Movie Twists for D&D

When it comes to D&D campaigns, I love a great twist. I enjoy unfolding a mystery or a ...
Role Initiative

The Last-Minute Dungeon Designing Guide

So, it happens all the time. Maybe the players decide to go on an unexpected tangent; or maybe ...
Role Initiative

4 Historical Battles To Inspire Your D&D

History is no stranger to epic battles that have changed the world for better or for worse. From ...
Role Initiative

Six Pop Culture Sword Masters to Inspire Your Characters

Historically speaking, there have been dozens of legendary sword masters from all over the world. Some examples include: ...
Role Initiative

It’s A Kind of Magic

So you’ve decided to be a spell caster! It’s a good career move with lots of exciting options ...
Role Initiative

5 Uses for Intelligent Weapons

One of the most infamous entries in the D&D magical item catalog is the intelligent weapon. Most frequently ...
Role Initiative

Experiment: How To Play D&D With Two Dungeon Masters

A few years back a friend and I had an interesting thought: what if we co-dungeon mastered a ...
Role Initiative

And How Many Will Be In Your Party?

There really is no “correct” adventuring party size or number. Most people feel that a group of four ...