
D&D 5eSpellsTribal Knowledge

Leomund’s Tiny Problem

Today I want to talk about Leomund’s tiny hut, which for brevity I’ll be calling LTH for the rest of this post. 5e is the first edition in which this spell has shown up highly exploitable, so I’m going to ...
Book of SecretsColumnsSpells

Kevin’s Spellbook: Mending

Here in the final glimpse into my spellbook, we will look at Mending. This versatile and often overlooked cantrip has likely the greatest implications for real-world applications. Destroying stuff is very easy, repairing them can be very difficult, but Mending ...
Book of SecretsColumnsD&D 5eSpells

Kevin’s Spellbook: Mage Hand

*poof* Welcome back, ye seekers of the mysteries of the universe!  This week we are going to take a look at a mage’s best friend, Mage Hand. This versatile cantrip is one of the most useful utility cantrips in the ...
Book of SecretsColumnsSpells

Kevin’s Spellbook: Major Image

Hello, students of the arcane!  Today we will look at one of my favorite spells, Major Image. Illusions offer players a powerful way to manipulate the game world. A well-crafted illusion can be the pivotal moment in a game, distracting ...
D&D 5eSeas of VodariSpells

The Magic Aquatic: Five Spells

Over in Harbinger of Doom, I wrote a collection of six spells developed by underwater peoples, intended for Under the Seas of Vodari. In this article, I’ve created five more, tilted more toward utility than combat. Many thanks to Shawn ...
GM ResourcesPlanar MysteriesSpells

Creating a Magic System, P2

A roleplaying magic system can be a pretty cut and dry thing: a spell list, damage, area of effect, and so on, but if done correctly, it can do so much more. Properly done, a magic system can be used ...
GM ResourcesHomebrewPlanar MysteriesSpells

Creating a magic system for your game P1

A roleplaying magic system can be a pretty cut and dry thing: a spell list, damage, area of effect and so on, but if done correctly it can do so much more. Properly done, a magic system can be used ...
D&D 5eSpellsTribal Knowledge

Four Spells for Eldritch Knights

I’ve been thinking about the 4e swordmage class lately, and particularly how it both is and isn’t translated into the 5e Eldritch Knight fighter, Bladesinger wizard, and other weapon-and-arcane-casting classes (Valor bards, Pact of the Blade ‘locks, and Arcane Trickster ...
Deep Magic: Time Magic
Character BuildsD&D 5eMidgardReviewsSpells

Deep Magic: Time Magic Review

Today I’m digging into Deep Magic: Time Magic for 5e, by Carlos Ovalle, from Kobold Press. Tribality received a free review copy, which to my delight landed in my inbox. As the title signals, this is a PDF of time-magic-related ...
D&D 5eReviewsSpells

Xanathar’s Guide Breakdown, Part Ten

I’m plowing back into Chapter Three: Spells of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything this week. I got through the Fs last week, so let’s see what I can get done before I have to click “Publish” this week. Also, many thanks ...