Protecting yourself against psychic damage
(Author’s note: I needed a break from the “tattoo” article and thought that this would present some interesting ideas.) Psychic damage is one of the “flavors” of damage types in 5th edition D&D. But unlike most of the other types, ...
Using tattoos in your game P4
In part 1 we gave a definition of a tattoo, examined how different classes might use tattoos, looked at monster markings and tattoos, as w ell as tattoo power levels. In part 2 we talked about how magic tattoos and ...
Using Tattoos in Your Game, P3
In part 1 we gave a definition of a tattoo, examined how different classes might use tattoos, looked at monster markings and tattoos, as w ell as tattoo power levels. In part 2 we talked about how magic tattoos and ...
Using Tattoos in your game, P2
Magical Tattoos are complicated things both from a mechanical, social, and religious aspect. Last time we gave a definition of a tattoo, examined how different classes might use tattoos, looked at monster tattoos and tattoo power levels. This time we’ll ...
Using Tattoos in Your Game
Tattoos are often very personal things. They may represent a person’s oath, be a memento, or a way to access their power. But why limit it to those types of things? With a bit of thought and preparation, tattoos can ...
Beyond the Character Sheet, P1
A character is not a series of disconnected stats and abilities. They are the culmination of their stats, abilities, gender, race, genetics, decisions, and life experiences. When building a character, one needs to consider how all the pieces fit together. ...
Reasons Why a Site Might Be Abandoned P1
One of the classic D&D tropes is a party entering a dungeon. Such places are either abandoned, in the middle of nowhere, or, sometimes, under a bustling city, but forgotten. Sometimes, these sites don’t need many repairs to make them ...
A Dozen Communication Methods to Add in Your Games
There are a variety of ways of communicating. All of them boil down to one word: Language. Of course, we all know about talking and writing. But this is the tip of the iceberg. In a fantasy setting, you also ...
Creating a Futuristic Campaign Setting P2
When one thought of the future years ago, people envisioned flying cars, intergalactic space travel complete with aliens, and robots everywhere doing the types of things that the average joe didn’t want to do. Since then, the ideas of the ...
“Shadow Pact” for the Endless Dark Patron
Riddle: It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter. What is it? Answer: ...