Planar Mysteries

GM ResourcesPlanar Mysteries

Creating a Pandemic for Your Game

With the COVID-19 pandemic continually in the news, I thought that it would be appropriate for us to look at how a worldwide pandemic might look like in a fantasy setting. Let’s define a pandemic as per Wikipedia: A pandemic ...
ClassesPlanar MysteriesRaces

New Player Character Race: “Dog”

Author’s note: This is a stab at making a tongue-in-cheek character race, but also trying to look at things realistically. New Playable Character Race: Dog Size: Tiny to medium 6” – 44” Speed: 20 – 50 ft, Dependent on breed. ...
AdventuresPlanar Mysteries

What Game Designers Can Learn from MMORPG Animes

There are quite a few VMMORPG (Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) animes out there. Each one of the games has its premise, world, and situations. A few notable examples are: SAO (Sword Art Online) In the year 2022, virtual ...
Monsters & NPCsPlanar Mysteries

Mysterious Mindflayer Machinations P1

The Mindflayer, or Illithid is a creature that is from the Far Realm, though some have posited that they are actually from the future. Regardless of the truth, they are a race that uses Spell Jamming to travel the Crystal ...
BackgroundsGM ResourcesPlanar Mysteries

Examining Big Hero 6: Character Origins for your games

Big Hero 6 is a movie released on November 7, 2014, from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film tells the story of a young robotics prodigy named Hiro Hamada who forms a superhero team to combat a masked villain. It ...
GM ResourcesMagic ItemsPlanar Mysteries

Creating a Magic System P4

A roleplaying magic system can be a pretty cut and dry thing: a spell list, damage, area of effect, and so on, but if done correctly, it can do so much more. Properly done, a magic system can be used ...
AdventuresGM ResourcesPlanar Mysteries

Creating a Futuristic Campaign Setting P1

When one thought of the future years ago, people envisioned flying cars, intergalactic space travel complete with aliens, and robots everywhere doing the types of things that the average joe didn’t want to do. Since then, the ideas of the ...
ClassesGM ResourcesMagic ItemsNewsPlanar Mysteries

Creating a Magic System, P3

A roleplaying magic system can be a pretty cut and dry thing: a spell list, damage, area of effect, and so on, but if done correctly, it can do so much more. Properly done, a magic system can be used ...
GM ResourcesPlanar Mysteries

Travel Methods in Your Game

Most games consist of characters walking from place to place. Perhaps they’ll be riding mounts or riding in a wagon. Or even on occasion, they’ll fly to get over gaps, teleport, phase through objects, etc. The problem with these methods ...
GM ResourcesPlanar MysteriesSpells

Creating a Magic System, P2

A roleplaying magic system can be a pretty cut and dry thing: a spell list, damage, area of effect, and so on, but if done correctly, it can do so much more. Properly done, a magic system can be used ...